Jan 14, 2022

Our Forefathers Faith Produced This Wisdom

For this wayward generation and those to follow 

A huge monument was created to honor the ideals on which Plymouth Colony was founded; faith, education, law, morality, and freedom. ... Forefathers Monument, dedicated in 1889, is the largest free-standing granite structure in the country and stands next to Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts.

God's Hand

The powers that be, including demonic powers, have succeeded in covering this inspired testimony with a blanket of forgetfulness, but it still stands tall, declaring the faith and wisdom of our Christian Founders and Fathers.  Its first name was The Pilgrim Monument.  Here is the meaning and message of this glorious Monument which crushes today's Fake News, Social Media lies, and every other voice of evil contradiction... even after its 133 years of witness. RB

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