Mar 24, 2022

Lead Us Not Into Temptation

But Deliver Us From Evil ...

The large number of young American patriots who see Ukraine as equally bad, or worse than Russia, have two defining blind spots.  One being the fact that they were too young during the years, right after WWII, when Russia murdered hundreds of thousands of West Europeans, and freedom-loving Russians to glue together the USSR (United Soviet Socialist Republic) into one big killing machine.  The population, of what is now Ukraine, suffered terribly during that period of Communist eradication of its opposition.  Those Western European nations have not forgotten what their Russian neighbors did to them.  The second blind spot of many young Americans who see Russia and Ukraine as equally bad or even see Russia as the better of the two, are judging them from a jaundiced viewpoint.  First, though Ukraine is a country with more than its share of corruption, having also been stimulated by Obama, Joe Biden, and his son Hunter, and a loud, not irrelevant, cruel, element of "play-like" Nazis, their sins are mostly self-contained and local; Whereas, Putin's closet Communists dream of a resurrected Soviet Union in conjunction with Communist China and a few other nations, of a new day of a world Socialist powerhouse.  That worldview is far more threatening to us all than Ukraine's house of prostitution and red-light district with a swastika boldly hanging out a window.  You can't blame young Americans for not going along with Biden, the UN, multinational corporations, News Networks, Democrats, and a confused majority...  who now blame it all on Russia and glorify Ukraine.  After all, all of the above entities have misrepresented facts, corrupted everything they touched, lied, and lied and lied to us about everything imaginable.  They have made it almost impossible to now believe anything they say.  Notorious liars that they are, they make it almost impossible for me to stand with them against the greater enemy, Vladimir Putin, who, with China and an Axis of nations, is the real threat to the whole world.  This situation is so complicated and contradictory that I am not sure of but one thing .... God knows ... and I yield to Him.  So pray with me, as Jesus taught us in the model prayer, "...  lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil ...". RB

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