Mar 11, 2022

We Have Joined The Death Struggle Between Power And Truth

And Truth Is The Supreme Power

Apparently, America Is Awakening All The Way Down To Kindergarten.

On a more sophisticated level, of adult perception, a higher level of understanding is unfolding.  This clarification of a Biblical point of prophecy is being explained, by what seems to be a war veteran, as "Check Point Charlie",  but maybe not as a Christian. I found this revealing account, of the now arriving world money system, prophecied in The Revelation, on a message board I read daily. RB    _________________________    

G7 is getting more aggressive in pushing programmable Central Bank digital currency as the future, in a mounting effort to combat the forces of decentralization - interesting short vid
Nobody ever addresses how this transition would occur.  If the plan is to phase out existing currency through conversion deadline or something, then the stage is set for hyperinflation and gold moonshot as people aggressively spend savings on stuff they otherwise wouldn't, while they can.
My Comment:

If this cluster flock of prehistoric black swans, circling the world right now, is hard to believe and completely unparalleled in all of recorded history,  we may have to read the book of The Revelation with these things in mind.  Indeed, recorded prophecy hasn't yet happened, but bet your bottom dollar.... it will.  And be sure that bottom dollar is silver, not paper.

"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."  Rev. 13:17

The fact is, that most of the "stuff" people buy today is truly useless to their existence or is even detrimental to their health.  So the '"Beast", acting as the Savior, will eliminate or limit salt, sugar, fried food, liquor, tobacco, meat, junk foods, and useless other junk we now buy from the world's many merchants.

"And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise anymore." Rev. 18:11

So what should we buy now, in preparation for the future in these end times ... before the rapture. A lot of things may be useful, including gold and silver, but the most essential things are listed by our Lord right there in The Revelation ...

"I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see."   Rev. 3:18

Now that gold and white raiment and eyesalve are the holy things of God furnished through faith in Christ.  RB 
I'm pretty sure gold will not be on the list of approved purchases under this new system 

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