Apr 15, 2022

The Best Laid Plans Of Mice And Men

Often Go Awry!  Common Sense Commentary

The account below is from a friend concerning one of the first results of our Left-Wing leaders switching our power grid from red hot Fossil Fuel to wilting green.  I know why God put the Solar Sun, Wind, and Rivers of water here ... but why did He put oceans of  Fossil  Fuels under our feet where He also put metals and hundreds of other useful resources we humans need?  Of what earthly, human use are those Fossil Fuels?  Ask Germany and all of Europe since Russia's Fossil Fuel pipelines to them have been shut down. RB    

Here is what an engineer told my friend's  friend

I was talking this morning with an engineer at a South-eastern power utility. He is being retasked with trying to locate transformers and all the other items that keep the local grid up and running. "It's getting tough," he told me. It used to be that when a transformer blew, they'd just send it off to metal recyclers. Now, they're looking for people to refurbish them. A new transformer - lead times are now 2 years.

I asked, "How long, at the current rate, will it be before you start to have difficulties supplying power?" He said, that within 6 - 12 months, he thinks they'll have to start telling new developments that there will be a delay in supplying power. Not long after that, they might have to start telling existing customers there are problems supplying power.

Oh, and all that "green power" - he said they're taking resources that are making the problem worse.


I will pick just one other example, of thousands of men's plans, or was it mice, which went astray.  A most notable, global example is the U.S. world Reserve Currency status for the last 78 years, but alas, it too has gone awry because our politicians abused it in every possible way.

Reserve Currency status has run its course in the US.
Since WWII it has enriched our nation above all others.
The rest of the world has paid the price to make us rich.
But they did not cause our loss; we did it to ourselves. 
Now a global, digital, currency system awaits unveiling. 
Control of all money will mean control of all people.
The best-laid plans of mice and men have gone awry.

The changing Reserve Currency System:

Reserve Currency status has run its course in the US.
Since WWII, (1944) at Bretton Woods, it has enriched our nation above all others.  We are now looking at the caboose of that train as it passes out of America.

What is, or was the Bretton Woods Agreement, that went awry?
It is explained in the link below ... but, as usual ...  the best-laid plans of mice and men have gone awry ... again. RB

Last thought, consider silver ... if you can find any... NOT PAPER in any form. And pray for your country;  It is in a mess, as is the whole world.  If you have Christ, stop worrying, your destiny is glorious. RB

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