Aug 10, 2022

Cometh The Horsemen: Pandemic, Famine, War

Common Sense Commentary from Michael Yon & Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, neither of whom is a Fundamentalist, fanatical, Christian ... like me, but both of whom are highly intelligent, invested in pure logic, truth, and unbridled courage. Thank God for our own answer to the elitist, left-wing educators, news moguls, billionaire Democrats, their crooked politicians, and spiritually dead voters.

The present world situation, of global evil running rampant, is so obvious, in the extreme, that it's not just the most biblically informed Christians who see it clearly, as Satanic powers, but everyone else who is not sold out to the Devil.  

Jesus said, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you  free."  John 8:32

Here is a strong dose of truth from two honest, if not deeply spiritual men. If you can't see the devil's hand in what's now happening to the world, you need Jesus.

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