Aug 15, 2022

Common Sense And Wisdom Are Sibling Twins

Who often reside with farmers and truckers

He who has no ear for true common sense,
I fear, my dear, from here to hence,
His epitaph will be "too dead to convince".
Prideful self-will is a barbed-wire fence,
Dust &Snakes pass through but no horse-sense.
So let us climb off of our throne of pretense,
Remove our royal crown of superior nonsense,
And join these heroes in freedom's defense. (RB)

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be  given him." James 1:5

You too can help make history read .....

 "Common Americans with Common Sense preserved freedom and saved their nation from regressive idiots who called themselves Progressive who slept through truth but called themselves Woke."

There will never be another opportunity to save our nation and our freedom.  Right now is the time for action. Don't wait until November or 2024.  

a prideful will, 

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