Feb 1, 2011

My "State Of The Union" Speech

Common Sense Commentary:

Last night, I had a meeting with me and myself at which I was unanimously elected PRESIDENT OF MY BLOG . Today, I sit in the official chair at my National Broadcasting Computer Network. As President, I am typing my Annual State Of The Nation Speech. I have analyzed the state of our nation and concluded that what the other President should have said is, "We have just three options available to us in our present financial dilemma. They are, Hyper-Inflation, Utter Default, or Extreme Austerity."

Choice Number One: HYPER INFLATION. We can simply do what the Federal Reserve Bank and the present Administration are already doing. That is, just print however much money it requires to pay our U.S. debt to bond holders China, Japan, other Nations and many foreign and domestic citizens, the money we owe them. This we can do by printing brand new U.S. dollars out of thin air ... that is "trees", from which comes our special, high quality, air paper currency. Under this option, the buying power of everybody's savings, retirement funds, Social Security, and wages will decrease steadily until there is nothing left of the"filthy lucre" value, except the beautiful, special, high quality, air paper with "green" portraits of Presidents, pyramids, big eyes or other desirable, museum quality art which we can frame and hang. This option will also leave in its' wake a hyper inflationary economy here, and around the world, like unto Weimar Germany in the 1920's which led to Hitler and WWll. The U.S. dollar will have lost it's highly profitable position as the World's Only Reserve Currency and will have become a mini-art piece, fuel and a global by-word ...

Choice Number Two: UTTER DEFAULT. This option is what Iceland chose when it went bankrupt. Simply refuse to pay the sixteen trillions plus we have borrowed or promised. One trillion is only one thousand billion and what's a trillion or two between friends ? This option would be akin to simply declaring bankruptcy. The good news is, our world-wide credit would be totally destroyed, like cutting up a teenager's credit card. Then we would be prevented from borrowing so much money ever, ever, ever again. Nobody would buy the dumb bonds. That's a good thing. Another savings ... it would reduce the budget for our nervous politicians and allow them and our President to notify all those on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Government Retirement and Disabled Veterans, that "we have no more real money to pay you". At the same time, they will notify all those tax paying workers, "You get to pay double, triple or quadruple taxes .... take your pick. Another good thing is, you tax payers will get to bridge the gap between the haves and the have-nots so the haves can cross over that gap and become "more equal" and not have to pay taxes either. There's always the soup kitchens, draining near-empty beer bottles, smoking snipes off the sidewalk and sleeping on it too. No rent, no grocery bills, no health insurance and no job. It doesn't cost much to live.

Choice Number Three: EXTREME AUSTERITY. This option is the only honest option of the three. If we had followed our ancestors, who were almost all practitioners of austerity, frugality, honesty, hard work, accountability, responsibility and savings, we would not now be in a national and personal debt crisis like Noah's flood without a kayak. I'm sad to say, our "election obsessed" political leaders, will not choose this honest option. You see, our wonderful country, of the "American Dream", has lost those good, rational traits just mentioned, and our national Character as well. The President, the majority of congress and of Americans would prefer to default on our legitimate debts or print endless, weak, paper money to repay ninety cent dollars with five cent dollars. That's blatant dishonesty as a remedy for a sixty five year national spending binge. Time to pay the piper. The fat lady has sung, the curtain has fallen ....the show is over. Tighten your belt, save your money .... but not in paper.

Pass it on. RB

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