Common Sense Commentary: Who and what did God intend for you to be when he drew the plans?
Since the dawn of creation the world has seen many empires come and go. Every failing empire has been followed by something totally different in answer to the majorities demand for change and hope for a better life than they had previously. The human Psyche is constantly driven to seek more and better for itself ... usually at the expense of others. Like the philandering, unrealistic, immature woman who was constantly looking for the perfect husband. She was convinced he awaited her... somewhere. She wanted a man unlike the husband she had. Disliking some annoying trait about her present husband, she sought a new one unlike him and always found one she thought perfect ... "this time". But after living with the new one awhile, she would become aware he had twice as many offensive shortcomings as the last guy ... though in different ways. It never dawned on her that the problem was hers. Her natural, human dissatisfaction was not tempered with wisdom and a mature recognition of reality. There is no perfect man or woman or government or anything else. The imperfect one you have is usually better than the next one "up" at the exchange counter.
All Socialistic countries have eventually run out of other people's money and failed. That is what happened to the Soviet Union and is happening to all the European countries and good old, generous America too. We are at the end of our rope ... at the noose end. Like the guy hanging to a root on a shear cliff. Looking up, he cried out, "HELP! Is there anybody up there". A deep, sympathetic voice came back, "This is God. I'm up here. Just let go and I'll catch you." The desperate, doomed man was silent for a moment and then whined, "Is there anybody else up there?" Honey, there ain't nobody else up there. Without God, we are on our own ... holding to a rope or root or welfare check.
As the "religion" of Holy Dependence on Political Power defaults on its unlimited promises and ceases to be worshiped as "humanities HOPE for all our needs and wishes" ... tell me what will take its place when there are riots in city. We have divorced our Republic and Constitution in favor of the majority desire for Free Everything. As an attendee of "Occupy Wall Street" had written on his cardboard sign, "Free Everything For Everybody". Again, my question, "Exactly what will take the place of our Democratic Republic?" Most often, in the past, as in the Roman Empire, it was a dictatorship. Will an angry, desperate majority demand a worldly savior to "deliver us from the evils" of inflation, no jobs, no food, no gas, no heat, crime and disease? I think so. And who will it be?
We are presently witnessing another empire "change" from a strong, American, Constitutional Republic bankrupted and neutralized by Socialism and headed for a dictatorship. Our Republic may still be saved if our citizens awake from dreamland and face the reality of Socialism's nightmare. The adolescent mind set, of adult Liberals, is exactly like the teenage graduate with his first credit card. He is the life of the party ... until his card is maxed out. Then he doesn't have a friend. The USA is maxed out and doesn't have a friend except the most unpopular one at the party, Israel. Its the Prodigal Son Syndrome of "give me" which was the last thing Prodigal said to his father on his way to party time.
Other empires have been bankrupted by war, corruption, free bread and circuses, as in Rome, when in the resulting national and economic crises, the majority wanted a King or Dictator savior. In 1Sam.8:6, when the people said, "Give us a king", the Lord told his chosen Judge, Samuel, "They have not rejected you, they have rejected me to reign over them." Rome got Caesar. Russia got Lenin. China got Mao. Cuba got Castro. Is it our turn for a dictator or, since the developed world is in extreme crisis and kingdoms are falling, will the whole world get a dictator... such as the Antichrist, as is prophesied? The only thing "holding back" the rise of "that man of sin ...the son of perdition", is the presence and power of God's Holy Spirit who lives in Christians here and now. Here is the Scripture which says it: "The day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you ... for that day shall not come, except there there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exaulteth himself above all that is called God, showing himself that he is God.... And now ye know what whithholdeth (holds back) that he might be revealed in his time (God's set time). For the mystery of inquity doeth already work: only he who now letteth will let (katecho= holds/controls), until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that wicked (one) be revealed...." 2Thess.2:3-8. Question for Christians: When he who holds back Satan and the Antichrist is "taken out" of this world, will he leave us in whom he dwells? No, of course not. So this tells us that we Christians will be "taken out" when the Holy Spirit is "taken out"... while the Antichrist is in the wings but before he is "revealed" or recognized as such. This also means we will not go through the Tribulation (PreTrib. Rapture).
When Christians are raptured and gone from the earth, God's Holy Spirit will go with us from the earth to meet Christ in the air and on to Heaven. Later, the Holy Spirit will obviously live in the "two witnesses" of Rev.11:3. When the Holy Spirit is "taken out of the way", the Antichrist will take over.
I believe that some of you will be alive when that happens.
Pass it on. RB
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