Common Sense Commentary: Judging by what is said by those close to President Obama, the next big "change" he plans is to insist that Israel turn over a large section of their nation for the establishment of a "Palestinian Nation" within the borders of Israel or he will break off the 67 year relationship between Israel and the U.S. He is already taking the side of Muslim Iran against Israel and has eliminated Israel from the talks. What Obama is ignoring is not just the long-range interests of the United States but the fact that God proclaimed His special protection and blessings of Abraham and his descendants, the Israelis, when He gave them that Holy Land. The West Bank of Israel already cuts down the width of Israel, at that point, to about 35 miles right in the middle of their Nation and makes them vulnerable to being cut in half by any future attack there. Taking sides with Iran and the Palestinians (Philistines), and turning against Israel, puts us in the same category as Ishmael, Goliath and the Philistines. For a majority of Americans to support Obama in these actions is to open our own nation up to the judgement of God. To see what that is like, consider the 4000 year history of conflict and war which has plagued descendants of Ishmael, and the fate of Goliath and the Philistines.
"Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." Gen. 12:1-3.
Obama's Next Earthquake
The Washington Post
Deputy editorial page editor
President Obama’s rhetorical assault on Benjamin Netanyahu last week was in part the product of pique. But it also set the stage for what could be another crockery-breaking bid by Obama for a foreign policy legacy, on a par with his opening to Cuba and would-be nuclear deal with Iran.By declaring Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations dead and blaming Netanyahu, Obama laid the predicate for a decision to go forward with a U.S.-backed U.N. Security Council resolution that would set the terms for a final peace settlement. Envisioned as an updating of U.N. Resolution 242, which has been part of the framework for the Mideast “peace process” since the 1960s, the idea would be to mandate the solution to the questions Israelis and Palestinians have been unable to agree upon for decades, such as the future status of Jerusalem. Not incidentally, it would provide Obama with the Mideast legacy he has craved since his first day in office.
Obama's' Coming Break With Israel
First, let me just say that I hope Jackson Diehl of the Washington Post is wrong and that President Obama has no intention of making a dramatic break with Israel in the coming months. But alas, the story he tells is very convincing. According to Diehl, the Obama administration is getting ready to back a U.N. Security Council resolution that would, in his words, “mandate the solution to the questions Israelis and Palestinians have been unable to agree upon for decades, such as the future status of Jerusalem.” Why does this matter? If Israel rejects peace terms imposed on it by outsiders, the effort to turn the Jewish homeland into a pariah state will gain enormous ground. This is a consequence that the president must fully understand. If Obama’s champions are to be believed, he is a subtle strategic thinker with a deep understanding of history. So no, his efforts to radically remake our relationship with Israel isn’t a reflection of ignorance or a lack of familiarity with the basics of the conflict. If the president chooses to pursue this dangerous course, let no American who values our alliance with Israel, or for that matter our national honor, ever forget it.
Second, I had a recent conversation with one of America’s foremost strategic thinkers, and he made a compelling point about the dream of a two-state solution: far from putting an end to anti-Zionist hatred in the region, it would likely inflame it. The compromises the Palestinian leadership would have to make to establish a sovereign state in the West Bank and Gaza (on the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their ancestral homes, on territory, and much else) would prove fatal to its legitimacy. Moreover, to Palestinian nationalists, a truncated state that covers a fifth of Mandatory Palestine is not even close to an end goal. This new state will almost immediately be engulfed in a civil war, which would attract many of the Islamist fighters currently drawn to Iraq and Syria. Has Obama given this frighteningly realistic scenario any real thought? If he has, well, does he fret about it even slightly? I can attest to the fact that many Israelis, Benjamin Netanyahu very much included, think about it all the time.