I completely agree with the article below ... the probability that what they and Elaine say, is what the establishment Republicans (RINO's) have in mind. But, if Bloomberg throws his hat in the ring, all bets are off. As an Independent, He will garner a large percentage of the GOP's most Liberal Republicans plus the Democrat Party's lessor Liberals, who are even farther to the left than any in the GOP. This would reshuffle the deck in a whole new game and tempt Trump farther to the left and put Communist, Bernie Sanders into a spiral tail spin, if he is the Demo Candidate. Hillary may not survive. But it might help Cruz because he isn't going one inch to the left. If Bloomberg is going to join the fray, I hope he does it soon before the Caucases gain speed in an irreversible trend. His entrance would help Cruz, but not Trump because Trump is pulling a lot of Blumberg type Democrats and Republicans. If Donald is the Trump suit, Bloomberg is the wild card, Joe Biden is the joker, Hillary is the discard, Bernie Sanders is the deuce, and Cruz is the ace of trumps.
Elaine Merritt, whose family I pastored for many years,
is a Conservative Patriot who also writes a lot of
political commentary from a strong Christian point of
view. She sent this post out this week. Her comment on
an article in the New York Times is worthy of repeating.
"...Of course, this willingness to
accommodate Mr. Trump is
driven in part by the fact that
few among the Republican
professional class believe he
would win a general election. In
their minds, it would be better
to effectively rent the party to
Mr. Trump for four months this
fall, through the general
election, than risk turning it
over to Mr. Cruz for at least
four years, as either the
president or the next-in-line
leader for the 2020 nomination.
Elaine Merritt
accommodate Mr. Trump is
driven in part by the fact that
few among the Republican
professional class believe he
would win a general election. In
their minds, it would be better
to effectively rent the party to
Mr. Trump for four months this
fall, through the general
election, than risk turning it
over to Mr. Cruz for at least
four years, as either the
president or the next-in-line
leader for the 2020 nomination.
Elaine Merritt
This from The New York Times
Donald Trump or Ted Cruz? Republicans Argue Over Who Is Greater Threat
WASHINGTON — With Donald J. Trump and Senator Ted Cruz battling for the Republican nomination, two powerful factions of their party are now clashing over the question: Which man is more dangerous?
Conservative intellectuals have become convinced that Mr. Trump, with his message of nationalist-infused populism, poses a dire threat to conservatism, and released a manifesto online Thursday night to try to stop him.
However, the cadre of Republican lobbyists, operatives and elected officials based in Washington is much more unnerved by Mr. Cruz, a go-it-alone, hard-right crusader who campaigns against the political establishment and could curtail their influence and access, building his own Republican machine to essentially replace them.
The division illuminates much about modern Republicanism and the surprising bedfellows brought about when an emerging political force begins to imperil entrenched power.
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