Yes, there really was a perpetrator ... and he's it.
Jussie Smollett's "hate crime" accusation WAS, in fact, a "hate crime", but HE is the hate perpetrator, not our President. He appointed himself producer, directer and star, rehearsed the scene, and performed it so unconvincingly smelly that even the murder capital ... Chicago could Smellett. The only ones who couldn't smell it, from the beginning, are Liberal Politicians, Hollywood, Maxine Waters who sneers, "All charges should have been dropped". and those 78% of all "journalists" who are registered Democrats. Many of those who immediately jumped onto Jussie's downhill, runaway bandwagon could, no doubt, smell the stench too, but it smelled like Moma's home cooking to them, so they rushed home for dinner and took half the nation with them. Only now, after Jussie has been drug induced from under the wreckage, for which he will win the Academy Award, have his toady admirers raised their heads from the odious pile and whimpered, "Let's not judge him til all the facts are in". How many more facts are necessary than the dozens he fumbled across the stage of his lying act? The only thing that seems to work well for Liberal, Socialist, Democrats is ... lying, doing drugs, aborting the innocent and defending the guilty and their hare-brained ideas. If Jussie isn't convicted for this hate crime, it will motivate a continuing flood of false accusations. This should wake some of them up ... but it won't, its who they are. Spiritual redemption is their only hope and none seem interested in Jesus ... except as a joke. But that won't be funny when they stand before Him and give an account of their actions and unbelief. RB
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