Jul 21, 2019

Democrats..."The Thing You Feared Is Come Upon You

Job declared it, "The thing I greatly feared is come upon me."        

Applied to the Democrats, today's House hearings, with their hero, 
Robert Mueller on the hot seat, revealed nothing but a weak echo of their snipe hunt.  Mueller's 30 month investigation by 20 Trump hating Democrat lawyers left the gallows rope's noose around their collective necks in a monumental twist of fate. A power higher than their own ... TRUTH  from above, left them all standing on the trap door, noose around their own necks and with  Attorney General Barr's hand on the drop lever. This shotgun backfire reminds me of another villain, Haman, who hated the Jews and had great authority to accuse them falsely and build a high gallows on which to hang their leader, Mordecai.  When the King heard the truth he pointed at Haman and ordered, "Hang him there on". You must read this amazing story in Esther chapter 3 through 7 to see that pattern playing out in Washington today. 

Lest you Democrats, in your mental and moral blindness, miss the fact you have shot yourselves in both feet, but continue to blame your vile imaginations, and all the evils in the world on President Trump, Attorney General Barr, and even your own Investigator, Mueller .... Consider the truth of your dilemma ... "lost in the D.C. swamp of gators, leaches and cottonmouths". As some of your politicians have said, "It is your worst nightmare". But this thing you feared most was not created by those you so hate ... but by yourselves. It was your national disloyalty, dishonesty and greed that turned our beautiful land into a dank and dismal swamp and inspired the uprising of Hilary's "Basket of deplorables" ... It turned out to be a "basket" half the size of our nation and her "deplorables" jumped out of the basket and defeated her.  And now you and your "basket woman" have awakened our sleeping nation to your nefarious and treasonous actions.

Now your self inflicted quandary, has stuck you between distasteful reality and your indigestible hate obsession. You are up to your ears in the slime and quicksand of your own inexcusable actions.  You have spent all your strength, time and influence, for thirty + months, crawling through your own muck on the devil's errand. And now you must face the consequences of your trap setting and scaffold building from our nation's expert swamp drainers.  Most of you fell right in line with the snake eggs ruse of your stodgy leaders, and now you must eat what hatches.  You went too far in your leaky, rotting boat of lies and lusting for the President's, and our, blood, because he promised to "drain your Left -Wing, D.C. fuming swamp", which you considered your birth-right and natural home. You dug up too many cemeteries looking for dirt on the President.... but unexpectedly found only those dead bodies put there by the Clintons, Obama, your News Media and other others of your fellow Democrats.

Now you have seriously wounded your own selves and are dog-paddling in the slime ... desperately looking for rescue from your guilt or gullibility ... But alas, the new sheriff's tracking hounds and a thousand deputies are coming for your corrupt heros, with exposure warrants for their arrests. My advice is that you stop kicking and screaming all your tired claims of "racism", false accusations and a thousand lies, which only suck you deeper into the quagmire. You Dem politicians may lose everything, but you still have your Miranda rights which warn you to shut up, and hope that Attorney General Barr and U.S. Attorney/Prosecutor Durham find you before the resident alligators do.

So, when Trump is re-elected,  with both houses of Congress in tow, it will be because you were all so hateful and viciously lying against the truth ... And now, its too late for you, and Trump's supporters won't abandon him no matter what ill advised things he may say or do .... as long as he continues to drain your vast, putrid, cesspool and restores our nation to greatness. In 2016, he may not have been a likely candidate, because he has never been a politician, but he has proven to be a tough street fighter on the side of the law and lovers of America.

So stop whining ....You did it to yourselves. Your lying leaders are going under, but at least you Dem voters can still restore your reputation and escape the Party of infanticidal abortion, homosexual marriage, legalizing illegal narcotics, Socialism, open borders, and free everything for drug addicts, prostitutes, illegal aliens, and loafers who refuse to work. If you are opposed to those things, abandon that rotting Party and climb aboard the boat with Old Glory flying in the bow, and patriots at the oars. The few wise among you will be "welcome aboard". RB

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