Dec 31, 2020

This Is Powerful And The Answer To Our Perverted Voting System

A clear path to an honest voting count

The Democrat leadership has hijacked our American Destiny and now has it halfway across the Rubicon, the River of no return. If God sinks their pirated boat in the Georgia, Senate, runoff election, next Tuesday, before they reach the evil, irreversible, side, we will have a chance of swimming back to the Constitutional,  Free Enterprise shore. But, if their diabolical intent is not stopped, right now, our Constitutional, Free Enterprise system, which has created America's greatness, will be gone forever. 

The link below, if seen by enough intelligent, Patriots, could be the spark that ignites the Dem's leaky gas engine and leaves them stranded in their sinking rust bucket. If God grants us that grace, controlling the Senate, we will be able to renovate our faulty, vulnerable, voting apparatus and have fair elections in two and four years from now, and save America. So, here is something the weakest Patriots can do, besides vote and pray, to save and preserve this free nation. You can do this. Send these two links to your mailing list. Psalms 115:1, Rayburn

This amazing technology is not only powerful but is the answer to preserving our nation: Copy and Paste and Send them now...

Dec 23, 2020

My Ninetieth Birthday Prayer 12/24/2020

I see the numbers Lord, but still not sure I am 90.

My regret is, how much of 90 years have I wasted?

You know, Father, better than I, that I am growing old and will one day finish my course. In the time I have left, keep me from the fatal habit of thinking I must say something on every subject and on every occasion. Guard  my lips against gossip, exaggeration and idle talk.

Release me from craving to straighten out everybody's affairs. Make me thoughtful but not moody, helpful but not bossy. With my vast store of wisdom, it seems a pity not to use it all up before I die. But you know, Lord, that I want a few friends at the end. 

Keep my mind free from the recital of endless details. Give me wings to get to the point. Seal my lips on my aches and pains, They are increasing and the love of rehearsing them is becoming sweeter as time goes by.
I do not ask for grace enough to enjoy the tales of other's pains, but help me to endure them with patience. I will not ask for improved memory, but for a growing humility and a lessening of cocksureness when my memory seems to clash with the memories of others.

Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally I may be mistaken. Keep me reasonably sweet. I am too human to be a saint ... some of them are so hard to live with. But a sour old person is one of the crowning works of the devil.

Forgive me of the sins of old age, laziness, criticism and complaint.
Thank you for neutralizing in me the more obvious sins of youth.
Help me to be more patient with the young and the elderly, both of which I have experienced and have not handled so well myself.

Give me the ability to see good things in unexpected places and talents in unexpected people. And give me, O Lord, the grace to tell them so. Help me, Lord, to sincerely love the souls of all of humanity ... and prove it by my actions.  

Anonymous except for my addition of a couple of verses and a few adjustments. RB

Dec 21, 2020

It Is A Matter Of Historic, Public Record ... How Quickly The World Forgets

Socialism is unwise ... destined to calamity

A Witness Whose Family Survived Socialism:

"It is a matter of public record that, like the victims of the Shoah, the prisoners of communism underwent unimaginable physical degradation and psychological torture. Who will educate the Prime Minister of Greece and tell him of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s long-lasting witness? Who will enlighten Pablo Iglesias Turrión about the black mass which, in the name of humanity, the KGB proxies organized at PiteÈ™ti Prison during the late 1950s? Students of theology living under communism were forced to denounce God, to mock Christ, and to blaspheme the name of the Virgin Mary under the burden of extreme beatings and despicable sufferings. Such was the “love” for “humanity” that millions of people witnessed during the 20th century. Such are the untruths that vote-seeking, parliament-leading Marxist revolutionaries want to pour into the minds of ordinary men and women, who may begin their adult life by searching for a better job, but might end their pursuit of happiness by embracing an obsolete and evil ideology." - Mihail Neamtu

Those are the words of a man born into the Socialist Republic of Romania under the horrific dictatorship of Nicolae Ceausescu. He was one of the cruelest of a cadre of vicious Communist leaders of the United Soviet Socialist Republic in the 1970/80s, just 30 to 50 years ago. Ceausescu was a carbon copy of Joseph Stalin, the vilest of the vile, who murdered more freedom loving people than Hitler. How quickly the world forgets. Those who suffered Socialism/Communism will not forget.

Fred Good and I toured the Soviet Union, including Romania, right after that monstrosity was totally bankrupted by Socialism. We saw the wreckage and
ruinous corrosion of that diabolic, unworkable system. Every nation, a part of the USSR, was, at that time, a junkyard in every way except militarily.

Prior to that, I personally saw the awful barbarity that the North Korean Communists wrecked upon the people of South Korea during their invasion of the South. My eyes saw bar ditches, north of Seoul, that were full of hundreds of bodies of South Korean citizens with their hands wired behind their backs. How quickly the world forgets. We who were there will never forget. 

When we drove the North Koreas back across the 38th parallel we saw the unbelievable poverty of the North Korean people and when we left North Korea, 98,000 of them left with us, crowded on the decks of our ships, to South Korea.  At least that many more were left standing on the shore who wanted to leave but we had no more room on our ships. How quickly the world forgets. We who were there cannot forget.

So now, with Cuba and Venezuela, as object lessons right here in the Americas, of the utter failure of Socialism/Communism, still, half of our nation is clambering for Socialism/Communism to replace our Free Enterprise, Constitutional Republic for the system that destroyed the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela. How quickly the Democrats have forgotten.

God deliver us from a generation of adult children fanaticizing their entitlement of everything without labor or cost.

Dec 19, 2020

I Had An Argument With Myself Today ... And Lost

This young man, me, may be overly mature but not 
Not 10 years short of 100 years old ... 90 in less than a week. Well, I'm not so senile as to believe that stretch of the imagination exaggeration.  Being of sound mind, always pragmatic, and an honest realist, I know I have not had that many birthdays or celebrated that many Christmases.  I can actually remember only a very few of each, so my memory isn't perfect, but I know for sure I haven't lived 90 birthdays and Christmases. I don't even remember a single birthday gift.  Yes, I can remember meeting some historic figures like the real Lone Ranger, Tonto, and Gene Autry, out in West Texas, so I know that must make me almost elderly, but not 90 ????  No way.   And it is true that I appear to be the oldest guy in the room  .... building .... or city I happen to be in, but absolutely nobody has ever accused me of being 90 years old except in this debate with myself.  He, Myself, may be that ancient, the way he gets his words all tangled up, hobbling around and beating a path to the ... outhouse, ... in the house, every little bit. But that's his problem.... well actually .... its mine too. But that's my doctor's fault with that 8 glasses of water every single day.... regimen. So I do have two paths in the carpet, one to the kitchen sink and that other one in the opposite direction. So I asked some of you, my oldest friends, to bear witness to myself, that you haven't known me 90 years, and not a single one of you said you had... So that should be sufficient to convince old, nagging Myself, that he is mistaken about my age. But it didn't phase him and he laughed in my face... in the mirror. So I hit him in the nose but only blooded my knuckles. Only then did I come to myself ... and apologize ... and realize that Myself was me, and he was right .... I am what he said ... but I can't believe it still.  So I looked in that old senile looking mirror and confessed ... This old kid is 90 years young on this very Christmas Eve ... But I can't even remember the day I was born or how I got so old in so short a time, so my memory must be failing me too ... and ...  I reckon, if I ain't old .... who is. RB

Dec 15, 2020

Is The Die Cast? Has the U.S. Crossed The Forbiden Rubicon, River Of Rebellion?

Have we passed the point of no return?

The crossing of the river Rubicon, in northern Italy, became one of ancient history's most pivotal events. From it sprang a Civil War, the defeat and corruption of an Empire, a Dictatorship replacing the Italian Senate and the 1000 year, cruel, Caesar family heritage, as tyrannical Emperors.  Tens of thousands were slain and millions subjected to Roman slavery.
This from Wikipedia

Julius Caesar's crossing of the Rubicon river on January 10, 49 BC[1] precipitated the Roman Civil War, which ultimately led to Caesar's becoming dictator and the rise of the imperial era of Rome. Caesar had been appointed to a governorship over a region that ranged from southern Gaul to Illyricum (but not Italy). As his term of governorship ended, the Roman Senate ordered Caesar to disband his army and return to Rome. He was explicitly ordered not to take his army across the Rubicon river, which was at that time a northern boundary of Italy. In January of 49 BC, Caesar brought the 13th legion across the river, which the Roman government considered insurrectiontreason, and a declaration of war on the Roman Senate. According to some authors, he is said to have uttered the phrase "alea iacta est"—the die is cast—as his army marched through the shallow river.

Today, the phrase "crossing the Rubicon" is a metaphor that means to pass a point of no return.  Wikipedia


The sudden, spontaneous loss of character, morals, and common sense within millions of U.S. citizens, half of our population, in an instant, is astounding. Their utter hatred of everything our country has stood for since its founding, their maniacal destruction of property, historic statues, luting scores of stores, attacking innocent old people and anyone who "looks" Conservative, and taking over whole sections of Democrat run cities, is impossible to comprehend.  How could so many people so suddenly shift from "average" citizens to animal-like, revolutionary crazies, or be supporters of them?  It reminds me of an old west cattle stampede.  Night falls, the cattle lay resting, a cayote howls, the cattle jump up and run blindly, in a split second, trampling the cowboys and then over a cliff.  What we are seeing unfold in this dark night is so miraculously, mysterious that it has to be motivated by some superhuman evil power.  It seems to classify itself as something also seen by the Apostle Paul in Bible days in 2 Thess.2:7.  Something which would also come into plain view, in its degeneracy, just before the rapture of Christians, and the Holy Spirit who lives in them. That verse speaks of the rapture by its English definition ... "taken out".

"For the mystery of iniquity doeth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he is taken out of the way."  2 Thess.2:7       

In other words, the mystery of iniquity, which has the capacity to do all kinds of evil, could not do its wickedness unless God's Spirit allowed, or "let" Satan do it. But that partial restraint of Satanic work ends when God's Holy Spirit "is taken out of the way" with believers in whom He dwells, at the Rapture. So the world then faces an unrestrained Satan. This is the "Mystery of Iniquity".

I am suggesting that the superhuman turning of America on its head, by the sudden "evil miracles" which have enveloped our nation, is another sign of the soon return of Christ for his followers in whom the Spirit of God dwells.  God will send two Spirit filled witnesses, later, in the Tribulation Period, to present Christ to the Jews, primarily, in Rev.11.  This conversion of the Jews is prophesied in Zech.12:10

The ultra turmoil, happening right now in America and the world, is not so much a tragedy as it is an opportunity for Christians to witness Christ to this confused and panicking world.

Pray for the empowering of Christians' testimonies in the days ahead.  Our testimony is God's reason for leaving us here and is the most vital element needed by the evil opposition and their innocent victims. In these crisis times our purpose is to secure our families, pray and witness till the trumpet sounds. RB

Dec 13, 2020

David Gibbs Founder and President, Christian Law Association "The Secret Place"

A Passion to Praise in "The Secret Place"

"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestience."  Psalms 91:1-3

A timely message from Fred & Eloise Good

Dec 12, 2020

Have An Unsolvable Problem? Shift Your Brain Into Low Gear And Climb It

There is always a way. Think!

A Russian Jew was finally allowed to emigrate to Israel.
At Moscow airport, customs found a Lenin statue in his baggage and asked, "What is this?"  

The man replied, "What is this? Wrong question comrade. You should have asked : Who is he? This is Comrade Lenin. He laid the foundations of socialism and created the future and prosperity of the Russian people. I am taking it with me as a memory of our dear hero."

The Russian customs officer let him go without further inspection.

At Tel Aviv airport, the Israeli customs officer also asked our friend, "What is this?"

He replied, "What is this? Wrong question, Sir. You should be asking, 'Who is this?' This is Lenin, the scumbag who caused me, a Jew, to leave Russia. I take this statue with me so I can curse him every day to his face."

The Israeli customs officer said, "I apologize, Sir, you are cleared to go"

Settling into his new house, he put the statue on a table. To celebrate his immigration, he invited his friends and relatives to dinner.

One of his friends asked, "Who is this?"

He replied, "My dear friend, 'Who is this' is a wrong question. You should have asked, What is this?

This is ten kilograms of solid gold that I managed to bring with me without paying any customs duty and tax."


There are two categories of confidence in accomplishing what seems impossible or solving what seems unsolvable. One is

physical secular, and solves earthly complexities. The other is spiritual sacred and accomplishes the holy things of God's will. 

The little story above  is an example of solving a human, physical dilemma to accomplish an earthly desire. Alexander the Great was highly accomplished in this area and declared to his troops, "There is nothing impossible to him who will try".

We could name dozens of famous people who have greatly succeeded in accomplishing things which seemed impossible.

But the far greater accomplishment of spiritual and sacred things, for God, are performed by Christians in the exercise of their faith. Jesus challenged his followers to have faith, and believe the promises of God which are humanly impossible. 

"Jesus said ... if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." Mk.9:23. 

How is that possible? Do we have the power or knowledge to perform the impossible? No, we do not, but God does.

"Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible." Matt:19-26.

Can God reverse the course of nature? Yes. Can God reverse the course of a nation? Yes. Can God reverse an irreversible political situation? Yes, and if we "believe" and act in faith, He will.

"If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2 Chron.7:14.

Dec 8, 2020

Biden Supporter Pickup Loaded With Familiar USPS Full Mail Boxes

That's illegal, but they are either headed for the counting tables ... or getting rid of the evidence. 

When these boxes are empty they fit down inside of each other. They are full. I have one in my barn full of copper wire. 

The pickup belongs to a Biden supporter with a Biden bumper sticker on the tail-gate.  A second pickup in front appears to be carrying overflow USPS mail boxes also. You have to believe these guys are either stupid or desperate ... or both. Desperation breeds stupidity.

The transportation of Federal mail in a privately-owned vehicle is against the law. Facebook and Twitter are censoring this photo. Sidney Powell, Gen. Flynn's Lawyer, challenges us to "Make it go viral.

Make it go viral

Dec 7, 2020

Yielding To Lying Corrupts The Conscience And Becomes An Addiction

Lying, like all sin, is addicting ... like cocaine ...

".... all liarsshall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone ...." Rev.21:8.

Is willful exaggeration a lie?  Yes. Is deception a lie?  Yes. Is intentionally leaving out a pertinent truth in an incident, when telling it, a lie? Yes. Is that what God is speaking of in the above verse?

Habitual liars lie when the truth would Strengthen Their Case.

Unrestrained lying, like all other sins,  is addictive, enslaving those who yield to it. A full-blown liar is not a person who just "fibs" or exaggerates infrequently, but someone who is addicted to lying and lies almost constantly out of habit.  In nominal terms, a "liar", like an alcoholic, is not someone who takes a drink, or tells a not quite truthful account, once in a while, but someone who is addicted to doing it constantly.

When Romans 3:3-4 charges the "unbelieving" skeptics of being liars, who are totally impotent in affecting the truth and faith of God, it does not mean that all men are unredeemable, Biblical liars, though all have lied. It means that "denying God" makes a person a Biblical liar above all liars, and eternally lost.     "For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar"     who does not believe GodIn both these verses he is speaking  of the unbelieving in God and Jesus, the Father and the Son.  God classifies them as liars about God and Jesus the Christ.  That is a flagrant, maximal liar, embracing the supreme lie which is far beyond all comprehension, the ultimate apex of lies .... NO GOD!  When the ultimate question is asked, by God, at the ultimate and final judgement .... "Who is a liar?", God will answer that question, as recorded in 1 John 2:22 ....

"Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son."     That is a Biblical and eternally lost liar of all liars.

The next time you feel compelled to lie, consider this jolting fact.       The Devil "is a liar and the father of it." John 8:44.


Dec 2, 2020

Did Religious Correctness Lead Us Down To Political Correctness?

Is there any turning back to sanity?

Social Planers have tried to make everyone feel guilty about Bible convictions and faults we are not guilty of.  They accuse this entire nation of racism, sexism, homophobia and other forms of Political Incorrectness. Our national sins are real enough... just not those. They have hammered this false philosophy, nail, into our consciousness and then have beaten the board to pieces. The only ones they have convinced are those who are easily manipulated and brain washed.  Their constant harangue has warped half the nation's self image.  But, if that perversion has not been hard enough to suffer through, Religious Correctness is even more intolerable, and destructive. Satan has dumped, first one the the other, like a monster truck load of fertilizer on mostly "Religious" Devotees, not Christians, who hate it.  They know that Religious Correctness is more likely to redirect the vulnerable soul away from Christ's "straight gate and narrow way" through that "wide gate and broad way" that leads to destruction ... or even to hell, another offensive, religiously incorrect word.  A third word which has also fallen into disfavor, even in most churches, is sin.

The religious lawyer might suggest to his client, "Please stop using the word "sn" in describing what your husband was doing and, instead, call his actions "mistakes" or maybe "faults".  But the fundamentalist Christian wife sticks to her guns .... "Mistake my ... eye, he tried to kill me but shot the Bible I held over my heart and if he don't get saved (another forbiden word) he's going to hell for his sins, not his faults."

The next witness, a church minister of music, testified, "But ole Rufus ain't such a bad fellow, he didn't intend to kill Mrs Rufus or hit his Mother with the second shot. He ain't perfect, but he has a good voice. He sang a solo in church last Sunday entitled, 'God looked past my fault and saw my need' ... so it's not his fault but his need that matters.  God don't see our faults, which old lady Rufus calls SINS, but he sees our needs. Rufus needs love not condemnation.

So the jury deliberates and reports its wimpie verdict, "Mr. Rufus needs another chance at life with his wife. His was not a SIN but an expression of frustration. SIN is too repulsive a concept to use on any poor needy soul. Mrs Rufus shouldn't use such foul language. She should apologize.  You be the judge, Judge.

The Judge, a God fearing Deacon, spoke with final authority, "Rufus, since the jury, of YOUR peers, has not found you guilty or innocent, I pronounce you guilty of the vile, sinful crime of attempted murder, and reckless endangerment. I, therefore, sentence you to 20 years in Hell's Kitchen Prison which, according to a recent poll, is full of hardened convicts who mostly love their mothers and wives and hate their fathers.  Court adjourned.

Nov 29, 2020

Tradition Is Not Equal To Truth Unless It Abides Under Truth's Shadow

If Truth equals +100% ... Tradition may equal minus -1%

Tradition is similar to a Christmas tree.  The star on top may or may not represent the Wise men's star; the tree may or may not represent the wooden cross of Christ; the tinsel hanging there may or may not represent something in the spirit world. But the truth is, not one person in a thousand see it as such. Santa Clause is not and does not represent Jesus. A nativity scene does, in fact, represent the truth and abides in the shadow of truth ... but, like God in public schools, nativity scenes are illegal in public places.  Though "Christmas trees" and Santa Clause are not, and do not dwell in the shadow of the truth of Christmas or of Jesus Christ.  Anything which distracts from the truths of Jesus' birth, life, death and resurrection ... is false and usually sin, but maybe just ignorance of truth. 

Our country has lots of traditions.  Some are beautiful and a few reflect spiritual truths. One of those is our Constitution, based on truth. Others are fun but have nothing to do with God.  Autumn festivals have value and are worth while, but Halloween, with its witches and demons, contains nothing of worthwhile value, though it is a strong tradition in America.
I respect the right to disagree, by those who have contrary opinions, as I hope they respect my right to speak what I believe is true.  

My point is this, I love and would die for the U.S. Constitution, but do not worship it. I love and would die for the Bible, but do not worship it. I love the prophets, apostles and disciples of Christ but do not worship them. I love faithful, bible preachers and Christians but do not worship them. I worship the One,  Almighty, Creator, Eternal, Triune God .... and Him only. He is not a mere tradition. He is all and in all. He is the     "righteous, glory that excelleth, and remaineth for eternity".... 
"For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more doeth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory  For even that which was made glorious had no glory in this respect, by reason of the glory that excelleth.  For if that which is done away was glorious, much more that which remaineth is glorious."  2 Cor.3:9-11.               
"the ministration of condemnation" is The Law of God by which He  judges and condemns sin and the violators of God's will, word & glorious righteousness. 

"the ministration of righteousness" is The Glory of God by which He
redeems those sinners, and which Glory includes all of God's Truth, Holiness, Love, Grace, Power, Presence and Knowledge.  That is the Glory which excelleth and remaineth for eternity. None of that is tradition. It is the eternal reality of realities within our Great, Jehovah God. 

Many traditions are fine and useful, temporarily, but God's Glory is Essential and Eternal. Seek Him this Christmas ... and for life. There are no traditions in heaven.

Nov 26, 2020

Gen. Flynn's Attorney, Powell, Files Election Fraud Lawsuit Against Georgia & Michigan

By A Long List Of Illegal Means

Reported by Zero Hedge News

"The Fraud Was Executed By Many Means": Sidney Powell "Releases Kraken" With Dual Lawsuits In Michigan, Georgia ....

Sidney Powell has finally released the Kraken - filing two lawsuits in Michigan and Georgia late Wednesday alleging massive schemes to rig the election for Joe Biden.

 Powell claims in a "Old-fashioned ballot-stuffing" has been ""According to 
At least 96,600 absentee ballots were requested and counted but were never recorded as being returned to county election boards by the voter. "Thus, at a minimum, 96,600 votes must be disregarded," the suit said.
  • Kemp and Raffensperger "rushed through the purchase of Dominion voting machines and software in 2019 for the 2020 Presidential Election" without due diligence and disregarded safety concern
  • "There is incontrovertible physical evidence that the standards of physical security of the voting machines and the software were breached, and machines were connected to the internet in violation of professional standards and state and federal laws."
  • Fulton County election workers used a claim of a water leak to evacuate poll watchers and workers for several hours on Election night, even as "several election workers remained unsupervised and unchallenged working at the computers for the voting tabulation machines until after 1:00 AM.
  • State officials in a settlement with Democratic parties made changes to election procedures that violated both state law and the U.S. Constitution.
The suit asks for over a dozen remedies, Powell's suit also demands ,

"The scheme and artifice to defraud was for the purpose of illegally and fraudulently manipulating the vote count to manufacture an election of Joe Biden as president of the United States," the suit alleges, adding that the most "troubling, insidious, and egregious ploy” involved “systemic adaptation of old-fashioned ‘ballot-stuffing.'"

As Mimi Ngyuen Ly of The complaint alleged “The complaint cited eyewitness and expert testimony to allege that

The suit claimed that election software and hardware from Dominion Voting Systems used by the Michigan Board of State Canvassers helped facilitate the fraud.

The Dominion systems derive from the software designed by Smartmatic Corporation, which became Sequoia in the United States,” the complaint reads.

Smartmatic and Dominion were founded by foreign oligarchs and dictators to ensure computerized ballot-stuffing and vote manipulation to whatever level was needed to make certain Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez never lost another election,” it added, citing a whistleblower’s affidavit alleging that the Smartmatic software was used to manipulate Venezuelan elections in favor of Chavez.

“A core requirement of the Smartmatic software design ultimately adopted by Dominion for Michigan’s elections was the software’s ability to hide its manipulation of votes from any audit,” the complaint alleged.

The complaint cited a former electronic intelligence analyst under the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion, who declared that the Dominion software was accessed by agents acting on behalf of China and Iran to monitor and manipulate elections, including the 2020 U.S. general election.

Another part of the complaint said that a former U.S. Military Intelligence expert had analyzed the Dominion software system and concluded that the system and software “were certainly compromised by rogue actors, such as Iran and China.”

By using servers and employees connected with rogue actors and hostile foreign influences combined with numerous easily discoverable leaked credentials, Dominion neglectfully allowed foreign adversaries to access data and intentionally provided access to their infrastructure in order to monitor and manipulate elections, including the most recent one in 2020," the filing said.


Nov 24, 2020

Surrendering To Satanic Attack Is Assisting In It's Further Triumph

And our loss of God's power ....

But as long as we continue to resist evil and trust in God, we can still win the spiritual struggle and force Satan to "flee". 

"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." James 4:7. 

America's downfall is that we so love peace, and fear injury, that we sacrifice our God given freedoms for peace and safety. We have not only sold out our own Constitutional, God given  freedoms, but those of our children also.  

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Tim. 1:7

They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peacepeace; when there is no peace." Jer.6:14.

This from Breitbart News

Massachusetts Legislature Passes ‘Infanticide Act’ Removing Requirement of Preserving Abortion Survivor’s Life

The Massachusetts legislature has passed an amendment to a budget bill that would allow abortions after the 24th week of pregnancy, eliminate parental consent, and remove the requirement that abortionists must attempt to preserve the life of a baby who survives abortion.

The state House passed Amendment 759 by a vote of 108-49, while the state Senate approved it by a vote of 33-7. The amendment, as part of the fiscal year 2021 budget bill, is now on the desk of Gov. Charlie Baker (R) who, as reported, was critical of Democrats pushing a late-term abortion proposal in a budget bill.

“I do share some of the unhappiness that was raised by a number of members of the Republican Party that putting policy in the budget was something that both leaders in the House and Senate said they would not do,” Baker said Friday afternoon, according to the report. “It’s pretty hard to argue this isn’t a major policy initiative that is not in the budget.”

As late as last year, Baker disapproved of measures to expand late-term abortion.

“I do not support late term abortions,” the governor said. “I support current law in Massachusetts. It’s worked well for decades for women and families here in Massachusetts, and that’s what we support.”

The Massachusetts Family Institute (MFI) explained why Amendment 759 has been dubbed the “Infanticide Act:”

The reason why this legislation has earned the moniker “Infanticide Act” is because it removes the requirement that an abortionist “shall” save the life of a baby born alive during a botched abortion and replaces it with the requirement to simply have life-saving equipment in the room with no obligation to use it.

MFI continued:

The current language in the law that prohibits passive infanticide is found in Section 12P:

“…the physician performing the abortion shall take all reasonable steps, both during and subsequent to the abortion… to preserve the life and health of the aborted child.”

Instead of simply striking this language, as the original ROE Act did, the new budget amendment version twists it to this:

“…the room where the abortion is performed shall maintain life-supporting equipment, …to enable the physician performing the abortion to take appropriate steps, …to preserve the life and health of a live birth and the patient.”

To summarize, this new version still requires life-saving equipment in the room where the abortion takes place, but removes the requirement for abortionists to actually have to USE it.

Additionally, the amendment removes the word “mother” and inserts, instead, the word “patient.” The current section of the law reads:

If a pregnancy has existed for twenty-four weeks or more, no abortion may be performed except by a physician and only if it is necessary to save the life of the mother, or if a continuation of her pregnancy will impose on her a substantial risk of grave impairment of her physical or mental health.

The same section under the new legislation removes the word “mother” and essentially allows abortion until birth for almost any reason. 

Nov 20, 2020

My 10 Uneducated Opinions On The Compulsory Masquerade Parade

Tongue in Cheek by the Masked-up freak

Having now worn a mask for a total of maybe two hours since Covid began, I have an uneducated opinion on the subject.  I am afraid that wearing a mask for hours on end, every day ....

1. Is like putting up a chain-link fence to keep out the flies and mosquitos.

2. It's most effective success is hiding the identity of rioters and criminals.

3. It puts a constant strain on the effectiveness and production of workers.

4. The ones that may really protect us ... cost way too much.

5. Forces the poor and jobless to fake it by wearing one of those 5 cent foam dust masks or an old bandanna.  When I forgot my mask, I wore my handkerchief in the long Post Office line last week.

6. Only filters out fresh air and forces me to breath my own CO2 circulated through high levels of microbial contamination.

7. Filters out more romance than disease. How do you whisper sweet nothings through a mask?

8. Makes nice people impatient and grouchy.

9. Gives anonymity and voice to otherwise restrained idiots. 

10. May only protect me from policemen and self-appointed, politically correct  bullies.

So .... I keep on wearing the same old mask in public and somehow feel like a bandit. If I get arrested for robbing the druggist ... blame it on Dr. Fauci or "Vice" President Biden.  RB

Nov 19, 2020

God's Grace For Believers & Judgement Upon Evil In Times Like These

Do good and Live: Do Evil in the streets and you shall Wail

If you wonder what God does, in times like we are now going through, just look at what he did when Israel was going through equally difficult times in the days of Amos the Prophet.    

Amos 5
V.12a - "... I know your manifold transgressions and your mighty sins ...." 

Be aware that God knows the certain destiny and suffering of America's evil doers and      "manifold and mighty sins"....         

V.12b - "...they afflict the just, they take a bribe, and they turn aside the poor in the gate from their right."      
Our American system has been perverted and the powers that be are now      "afflicting the just"      (Honest citizens who work, pay their unjust taxes, and obey the laws, while the politicians take     "bribes"     from lobbyists and CEO's to violate the poor struggling citizens and their Constitutional     "Rights".

V.13"Therefore the prudent shall keep silence in that time; for it is an evil time."          
Intimidated citizens who see the abuses of power and corruption of the entrenched government leaders, and their majority supporters, will not speak out and condemn the     "evil"     actions of their leadership because of fear of being abused ... so they      "keep  silence".  

Then God gives Amos His will for His people in such     "evil times".     He tells them to always    "Seek good  and avoid evil"       which will tend to good health and long life, and     "the Lord will be with you"    through all the trials.

V.14"Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so the Lord .... shall be with you ....."

Then God goes a step beyond "Seeking good and avoiding evil" and charges His people to     "Hate evil, love good, and establish justice in the gate"     (That is, in the official seat of their government, at the gate) and it may not be too late for the LORD's grace to relieve you of the burden of such bad government.

V.15 - "Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate: it may be that the Lord God of hosts will be gracious ...."      

Here the Lord declares that His grace will be upon His people, who love to do good and hate evil. And likewise those people who hate and destroy, in the streets, will change their riotous behavior into wailing (crying in pain, grief and loss).

V.16 - "Therefore the Lord ... saith thus; Wailing shall be in all streets."  Amos 5:12-16.

President Ronald Reagan's words of 59 years ago foresaw what is happening in America today, as did many Christians.  Reagan warned, on March 30, 1961, that, "Freedom is never more than one generation way from extinction. We didn't pass it along in our a will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."

I am in my "sunset years" and I am telling you, my children, grandchildren and friends, that you are about to lose your freedoms to the curse of evil and Socialism if God does not intervene. You will still have your love, faith, hope and salvation, but those who insisted upon national approval of wickedness and Socialism, will have nothing.  They will be wailing in the streets at what they have brought about. As the Venezuelans have done unto themselves, so the U.S. is now doing.

These things are not easily or quickly repaired, but if we act quickly, God may intervein in miraculous ways. yet unknown.  RB 

Nov 16, 2020

Attorney, Sidney Powell Uncovers Massive Evidence Of Election Fraud

See the Video interviews below by Maria Bartilomo & Lou Dobbs. 

Sidney Katherine Powell is an American attorney from North Carolina who served as an Assistant United States Attorney for 10 years before establishing her own private practice in Dallas, Texas. She is best known for successful appellate reversals, for prosecuting Jimmy Chagra in 1979, and for representing General Michael Flynn in 2019 and President Donald Trump in 2020. In the weeks after the 2020 election, she joined Trump's legal team to challenge the results.

From 1978 through 1988, Powell served as an Assistant United States Attorney for the Western and Northern Districts of Texas and the Eastern District of Virginia, where she handled civil and criminal trial work. She was appointed Appellate Section Chief for the Western and then the Northern District of Texas.[3]

In 1993 Powell established her own law firm in Dallas, Texas, aimed mostly at federal appellate practice, and practices in the Second, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Federal Circuits, plus representing cases in the United States Supreme Court. Her firm has also handled a number of high-profile class action suits. She has served as lead counsel in more than 500 appeals in the Fifth Circuit courts, resulting in more than 180 published opinions and a reversals rate of approximately 70%.[3]

Powell is a member of the American Law Institute and a Fellow of the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers, where she served as president from 2001-2002.[3]  Wikimedia