Dec 2, 2020

Did Religious Correctness Lead Us Down To Political Correctness?

Is there any turning back to sanity?

Social Planers have tried to make everyone feel guilty about Bible convictions and faults we are not guilty of.  They accuse this entire nation of racism, sexism, homophobia and other forms of Political Incorrectness. Our national sins are real enough... just not those. They have hammered this false philosophy, nail, into our consciousness and then have beaten the board to pieces. The only ones they have convinced are those who are easily manipulated and brain washed.  Their constant harangue has warped half the nation's self image.  But, if that perversion has not been hard enough to suffer through, Religious Correctness is even more intolerable, and destructive. Satan has dumped, first one the the other, like a monster truck load of fertilizer on mostly "Religious" Devotees, not Christians, who hate it.  They know that Religious Correctness is more likely to redirect the vulnerable soul away from Christ's "straight gate and narrow way" through that "wide gate and broad way" that leads to destruction ... or even to hell, another offensive, religiously incorrect word.  A third word which has also fallen into disfavor, even in most churches, is sin.

The religious lawyer might suggest to his client, "Please stop using the word "sn" in describing what your husband was doing and, instead, call his actions "mistakes" or maybe "faults".  But the fundamentalist Christian wife sticks to her guns .... "Mistake my ... eye, he tried to kill me but shot the Bible I held over my heart and if he don't get saved (another forbiden word) he's going to hell for his sins, not his faults."

The next witness, a church minister of music, testified, "But ole Rufus ain't such a bad fellow, he didn't intend to kill Mrs Rufus or hit his Mother with the second shot. He ain't perfect, but he has a good voice. He sang a solo in church last Sunday entitled, 'God looked past my fault and saw my need' ... so it's not his fault but his need that matters.  God don't see our faults, which old lady Rufus calls SINS, but he sees our needs. Rufus needs love not condemnation.

So the jury deliberates and reports its wimpie verdict, "Mr. Rufus needs another chance at life with his wife. His was not a SIN but an expression of frustration. SIN is too repulsive a concept to use on any poor needy soul. Mrs Rufus shouldn't use such foul language. She should apologize.  You be the judge, Judge.

The Judge, a God fearing Deacon, spoke with final authority, "Rufus, since the jury, of YOUR peers, has not found you guilty or innocent, I pronounce you guilty of the vile, sinful crime of attempted murder, and reckless endangerment. I, therefore, sentence you to 20 years in Hell's Kitchen Prison which, according to a recent poll, is full of hardened convicts who mostly love their mothers and wives and hate their fathers.  Court adjourned.

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