Sep 9, 2020

Amidst our Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Riots And Pandemics, Here Is ....

A tornado with a Communist agenda....

Observing the fearsome Powers of darkness ragging rampantly across the world, leaving destruction and death in its path, with its erratic course unpredictable... Ephesians 2:2 comes to mind. There, Satan is called "the prince of the power of the air" making wreckage
of the lives of "the children of disobedience" as they, in turn, work havoc upon everyone and everything around them.  

"... according to the prince of the power of the airthe spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience." Eph.2:2

Most of what we suffer in the world today are not the "natural disasters" like storms, floods, and earthquakes, but the actions or inactions of evil or negligent people.  Things like war, evil governments, and crime on one hand and cowardliness and tolerance or the intolerable on the other hand. 

Here is a visual type of the erratic, irresponsible destruction and  havoc being twisted out of our beloved homeland by Satan's ruthless 
left wing thugs. He is their prince of the power of the air and the spirit now working in them to conquer and neutralize America. RB

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