May 29, 2021

If I Were Not A Christian

 I could never be a Democrat.... 

or an Agnostic, Atheist, Socialist/Communist or Muslim. Why? 
Because the Democrat Platform includes too many immoral and unnatural concepts.  Abortion, No borders, Legalize narcotics, Punish Police & Protect Criminals, Same sex marriage, Tax the producers & finance the takers, Penalize the savers & benefit the no tax spenders. Practically every moral thing I believe in Democrats are against and what I am against they are for. The Democrat Party has abandoned traditional and biblical Americanism for Socialism. 
Agnostic means "No knowledge of a God" and Atheist means "No God", and I could never deny the existence of an intelligent, Creator God even if I did not know who He is. Socialists and Communists believe in stealing from producers, innovators, and workers and giving to sluggards, the lazy, and the hierarchy.  

Muslim? Islam is simply a counterfeit version of Christianity.

So, if I were not a Christian, I would probably be an Ayn Rand Libertarian. They believe in freedom to do anything you want if it doesn't hurt someone else, keeping everything you work for, taking care of your own family, and staying out of other people's and other nations' affairs. The flaw in that is it eliminates missionaries, rescue missions, food banks, churches and helping the poor, as a commission from God.  But, if you aren't a Christian, and don't believe in most of the principles taught in the Bible. The only other motivation, to help the needy, is your own opinion of what human kindness and generosity are ... if you believe in it at all.  And if there is no spiritual accountability or eternal deity, one person's opinion is as good as another's. But if there were no God, and therefore no judgement day, and no heaven or hell, then we are just animals and justified in acting like beasts.  Anyone who claims to be a Libertarian and is also a Democrat is also a hypocrite. Ayn Rand could never have been a democrat. Her beliefs are encased in her writings. Here is an example:  


“When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing....

When you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods,, but in favors.........

When you see that men get richer by graft and pull than by work, but protect them against you....

When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming self-sacrifice ....

You may know that your society is doomed.”........Ayn Rand


Much of what Ayn believed makes sense ... but not all of it ... if you are a Christian.  However, its better than being a lying, thieving, power hungry Democrat. RB 

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