Jun 13, 2010

All Alone And On Your Own ?

Common Sense Commentary: When we have tried everything else seeking peace and contentment...and failed to find either, there is a hope...Look up. Col.3:2 "Set your affections on things above , not on things on the earth". Without Christ, Loneliness is eternal.

All Alone

Though we share this planet with millions of others
And have a host of friends, family,sisters, and brothers,
There comes a time when we feel alone...all alone,
Isolated, separated, unloved and solely on our own.

And if the final truth of every saint and sinful slave
Is that, at the end, no one on earth has power to save.
Neither doctor, pastor, loved ones nor friends so true
Can give you peace...when God sends death for you.

But if it were not so in our lonely, fleshly, human state
We would seek peace from this world and thus seal our fate
To a self-centered end without purpose, hope, peace or love
And never see Jesus or "set our affection on things above".

Isn't it time to hear God's Word and hear it well ?
For there is a peace filled hope of which I shall tell.
God has promised it true and always keeps His Word,
That Jesus Christ is our HOPE...sweetest name ever heard.

He had no sins of His own and yet He died for ours,
And delivers us from sin's stain and evil powers.
We are forgiven and washed in His cleansing tide,
To accept Him or deny Him is yours to decide.

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