Jun 15, 2010

Law, Lawmen, Military, Capital Punishment

Common Sense Commentary: this is fulfillment of the promise I made at the end of my Blog, "Diabolical Contradiction".

If the capital punishment issue were simply an issue of what the Bible says about it, the argument would be settled. Many "religious" people oppose it, but no Bible Scholar I know would deny it is taught in the Word of God in both Old and New Testament.

The original premise of law and human government was commanded by God in Gen.9:5-6 "And surely your blood of your lives will I require...at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man." "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God made he man." Here, God made all men (society) responsible for the life of every man. God not only instituted and authorized government responsibility for the safety of individual human lives, He commanded that if a member of society murders another member of society, the murderer is to be executed by society. God's reason is clear..."for in the image of God made he man." Murder is an indirect attack upon man's Creator...God Himself. This early, First Commandment, given unto the entire human race, the eight survivors of the global flood...Noah and his family, as a covenant between God and the human race was in effect from that time forward to the end of the world. This was and is the foundation of all civil law. It was given centuries before the ten commandments and law as given to Moses and Israel which were based of that one Civil law given to Noah.

It was hundreds of years later when God wrote with His own finger upon the tablets of stone, the sixth commandment, "Thou shalt not kill." EX.20:13. The Hebrew word here is "ratsack" and means "murder". When Jesus quoted this verse fifteen hundred years later, He said, "Thou shalt do no murder." Matt.19:18. Additional proof of this meaning is abundant in the very next chapter of Exodus where God's law continues to command what shall happen to the person who breaks that commandment and does murder someone. "He that smiteth a man so that he die, shall be surely put to death (executed)". Ex.21:12. In Ex.20 God commands "Thou shalt not murder" and then, immediately, commands society in EX.21 to execute (different word) murderers. It is all too obvious that the sixth commandment "not to murder" does not negate God's command in the following chapter to "Execute murderers" nor does it negate Gen.9:6 given to Noah. However, no individual has the right to "take the law into his own hands" and execute someone. Execution is authorized strictly to Civil Governments.

In the New Testament when Jesus taught us to "turn the other cheek" Lk.6:29, he was not speaking of "murder" and he was not speaking to Civil Governments but to His "disciples" and intended it to keep harmony in His church. Self defence is something else altogether. Jesus made that clear, "Then said He (Jesus) unto them (disciples),... he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one". Lk.22:36. It sounds to me like He authorized all of them to carry a sword. One ax would have cut all the wood they needed. A sword was for self defence or at least to scare away those who would harm them. Simon Peter was carrying his when Judas betrayed Jesus to the Pharisee's in the garden. Jesus had to know that Peter had it but had not rebuked him for carrying it. When hot tempered Peter drew it and chopped off one of their ears...he was probably aiming at the man's head unless he was an exceptional swordsman. Jesus told Peter to return it to the sheath and explained, "...the cup which my father hath given me, shall I not drink it." He had already told them he would be crucified and was sent by God for that purpose...to die in our place for our sins. Peter was trying to prevent that, but it was God's will. Never fight against God's will...you will lose. Jesus also told Peter that we should not "live" by the sword.

God later makes it plain to anyone who will accept His Word that we are to obey these laws or suffer the consequences of the law. "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers.... For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil....But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain; for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil....For this cause you pay taxes...." Rom.13:1-6. Human, Civil Government was intended to be an instrument of God to prevent evil and protect us all. The "sword" is necessary to "execute wrath". Without it the law has no teeth. Where there is no self discipline, there must be Civil discipline or else evil is unafraid, unrestrained and out of control. There is no perfect Civil Government. Often they are themselves evil and oppressive but the worst of Governments are probably better than total anarchy where there is no law at all and no one is protected from evil men. Imagine a city without law, no police, no traffic control, no jails, judges or schools. In such a city, there soon wouldn't be any open stores, electricity, or water...but a jungle of carnivores and victims. Our American Constitution is based upon the Laws of God and is what made this country great. Over the years, we have allowed judges and politicians to pervert and even mock our constitutional law and the result is obvious. We also have a God given right and duty to stand against and unseat such politicians and judges. You can call it "Self Defence" or restoration of Law. PASS IT ON. RB

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