Jun 29, 2010

Fantasy Competes With Reality and Corrupts

Common Sense Commentary: "Be not deceived: God is mot mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, THAT shall he also reap". Ga.6:7. "For they have sown to the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind ...."Hosea 8:7

Here is a spoof "look in" on a not uncommon couple. They never learned anything, growing up, about frugality, saving, and making do instead of always splurging for new stuff. They are Joe Blewit and his live in girlfriend, Ida Fritteraway. Joe and Ida have two kids together, Diddle and Dally, a boy and a girl. Their home, bought seven years ago, in the good old days, when they chose to finance it with a five year "interest only" loan payment plan, cost $250,000 with nothing down. Now, after the housing crash, they "Just can't understand it" that they owe more on it than it is worth and haven't been able to sell it for what they owe. They have two late model cars in the three car garage with every foot of floor and wall space stacked with "stuff". Inside the house there are narrow isles winding through the house between the crammed full rooms of new furniture, new clothes, half full soft drink cans and what appears to be a toy store in storage. Joe has two sets of golf clubs and a boat he bought last year to help him relax but only golfs three times a week because of the $100 green fees and hasn't fished yet this year. Ida has the best of appliances and every kind of kitchen/cooking convenience and the cabinet's are full. All that stuff is seldom used, though, because they eat dry cereal for breakfast, lunch down town and dinner at a different restaurant each evening. They vacation twice a year and at Christmas. In a word, they are all intemperate, squandering, spendthrifts. They are all world class, champion, consumers. Joe and Ida learned "professional" consumption from their parents, and an uncle they have in common. Their uncle was Ida's mother's half brother and Joe's father's 25% brother. Uncle Sam had lived in sumptuous luxury beyond his means since he was two. He retired early at 38 on a generous government pension, beyond his worth by any measurement. Joe and Ida tried to save a few dollars one time, but Ida says, laughingly, "It was like trying to save water with a sieve...ha ha ha." Naturally, they got behind, way way behind, on their bills with six credit cards maxed out. The banksters said, "Are you kidding". GMAC wrote back, "No Way Jose" and sent those weird reposessers of cars, on TV, out last Saturday. Countrywide was more cooperative. They said soothingly, we are going to make you a deal you cannot refuse", a deal that would lower their monthly payments 15 cents over the next 30 years. That night, Joe was looking bleary eyed at three bushels of bills about 3:00am with a six pack of emptys, when he either dreamed it or really heard a familiar voice saying, "Buy a goose Joe"....to which he answered with a whine..."Whyyy?" The voice (Uncle Sam ?) whispered..."Golden eggs, Joey Boy, golden eggs"...and then the voice laughed uproariously as it moved off into the night. Joe didn't know if it was a dream or a sign from above...but he bought a goose online right then...just in case...maybe. Eating his cereal crumbs the next morning, Joe remembered a friend who had confided in him, "I come home from Vegas every week-end with a bag full of winnings." Desperate to relieve his financial dilemma, as a last "Resort" Joe was on the noon flight to Fun City Las Vegas with $500 borrowed secretly from his loving, but not too bright, Momma and left the travel agent with a hot check...which he would pay back with his winnings. Joe hummed and whistled that old Hymn "Luck Be A Lady" and prayed, to Lady Luck, all the way to Vegas, to fill his two empty bags with cash. Four hours later, another loser, his welfare check blown, gave Joe a ride back home in his new Lexus. They shared several joints of weed and cussed Lady Luck and Sin City all the way home between stops for a beer. Meanwhile, Ida would rush home each day to check the mail box ....expecting to find a very large check from a long lost uncle...or aunt....or maybe from someone else's long lost uncle....or aunt...or someone...anyone...Maybe her real daddy or the IRS....or a giant refund check from somebody...anybody... Slumped down in her "lazy boy", holding two hands full of fresh bills, Ida heard Diddle and Dally whining....in harmony, "Momma, we're tired of these old toys". Yes, fantasy competes with reality and corrupts... Pass It On. RB

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