Jun 30, 2010

America's "INDEPENDENCE" Day...July 4th

Common Sense Commentary: When July 4th arrives each year, many Americans are thinking of a holiday, time off, having a party, relax and drink some beer, go to the lake, golf, watch some fireworks....FUN TIME !!! I am not thinking of any of those things today. I am thinking of what one of the greatest Kings in History said in Psm.11:3, "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" It has become all too obvious that our national heritage, freedom, free press, national defense, real education, law, and morality are being destroyed in America. No amount of 4th of July celebration will change that.

At the top of a rocky summit overlooking the bay where the Mayflower first cast anchor, is a statue. On the four corners of this huge pedestal are seated four figures representing LAW, MORALITY, FREEDOM, and EDUCATION. They are emblematic of the four-square foundation of our nation.

Rising high above the four figures is a glorious granite shaft on which stands a heroic-sized figure of FAITH. One hand of FAITH holds an open Bible and the other hand is raised aloft pointing up to GOD. If these foundations be destroyed, what can (those who seek truth and justice) the righteous do ?

I. The foundation of LAW,in America, is being eroded by a flood of disorder, lawlessness, and corruption at the highest levels of our government. Jails and prisons are packed full. Courts and the justice system move at a snail's pace and often release habitual criminals on insignificant technicalities. A free press is supposed to expose misfeasance, malfeasance and failed Judges, Senators, Representatives and even Presidents....But our news media has slowly become the apologists and spokesmen for those who caused the rot, the far left wing, liberal, political philosophy, and its judges, elected officials and bureaucrats who have undermined this great nation which our forefathers created, protected and delivered healthy to us.

"If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." Samuel Adams

II. The foundation of MORALITY is under attack by a revolution of immorality, pornography, drugs, crime, and illicitly spawned "social diseases" ...some of which are incurable and terminal to those infected by them and yet they pass it on to others. Virtue is laughed at and promiscuity is applauded by famous and powerful people in public and on television. Now millions of young minds have picked up on it and pass it on to friends. Many a Mom and Dad have heard it repeated at home but are frustrated and powerless to change the standards of the school from whence came this moral infection.

III. The foundation of FREEDOM is being hammered and chipped away by growing government control of individual rights, property rights, the family and the church. Even the most flaming, left wing, liberal nominees for Supreme Court Justice are chosen, put forward, and more often than not, win approval to serve for LIFE. To read what they have previously written and said, some of them do not even believe in our Constitution but when asked, during hearings, are slippery as eels and even purger themselves with impunity, and are approved anyway.

IV. The foundation of EDUCATION is being undermined by humanism, evolution, defence of homosexuality, gay marriage, a right to abortion...and that at the expense of the tax payer. Mediocrity, like a virus, is spreading nationwide. Little boys can't even wink at a little girl without being charged with a sex crime. If that is so bad, why do they give out condoms, talk so freely of sex, and even allow cursing in the hallways, and students smoking on campus?

V. Because of the above deviations from Truth, God's Bible, and those foundational principles upon which our forefathers laid the first bricks of this great nation, it is no wonder that our nations "FAITH" is weak and failing and churches are involved in just about everything from clowns, sales, rock bands, non-Christian speakers, seven eleven songs (7 words repeated 11 times). But worst of all, teaching dozens of worldly subjects about everything except Holy Scripture.

That marvelous granite representation of our country no longer resembles our national character but it isn't the fault of our United States Constitution and America the Beautiful or the average hard working, tax paying, believing citizen. I, like most Americans, love our country. I love her origin and our forefathers' flight for freedom from tyrants in Europe. I love the pilgrims who first built a church in Jamestown 400 years ago. I love our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence. I love America's history from Columbus, who "sailed the ocean blue" to Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty or give me death" to Nathan Hale who regretted that he had "but one life to give" for his country. I love the holy cause of freedom behind the wars we have fought and every life sacrificed for the land of the free and home of the brave.

I love America ! I love her motto, "In God We Trust", The Boy Scout pledge, "On my honor I will do my best...." I love her songs..."The Star Spangled Banner", "Faith of Our Fathers", and "America The Beautiful".

I love America ! I love her people and her God....and yes, America does have a God. Our forefathers came here to worship Him and He is still here whether you recognize it or not. It was America's God who blessed and blessed and blessed us....until, like spoiled children, we ceased to be thankful.

We took our country, our freedom and our God for granted and the foundations began to crumble; and now, we must face the consequences or else restore those foundations. Let every honest American ask himself, or herself, a FOURTH OF JULY question...."If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" God's answer is found in 2 Chron.7:14. "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." There is our road to Revival and restoration. See link below or Google it.


Pass It On. RB

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