Jul 1, 2010

One Lane To Life....Many Lanes To Destruction

Common Sense Commentary: "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: But,"Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life,... few there be that find it. Beware of false prophets ...." Jesus' words in Matt.7:13-15.

One Way To Heaven....Many Ways to Hell

That one and only way to heaven is, of course, God's way ... which is the Bible way
... which is the Jesus way. All other ways to Salvation, whether it
be religion, denomination, good works, church membership, self righteousness, giving money or baptism .... all lead through an easily accessible, unrestricted, all inclusive, wide gate. Entry there is free, no toll at the wide gate, just continue to follow the crowd, where the heavy traffic is, onto the broad way. You hardly notice the gate at all its so wide ... but you do see that beautifully lit up sign ... "BROADWAY LOWWAY". "Hey, Darlin, would you look at that. Wow, what an expressway ... two, four, eight, sixteen ... how many lanes are there anyway ? "Well, Honey, it really doesn't matter, there are plenty and this is the smoothest, easiest Lowway in Texas." "Darlin, we are going to have a wonderful trip and tons of fun. Look out world, here we come." "Honey, did you see those weirdos back there where the road split. They were all lined up to get on that little ole, narrow, one way, one lane mountain road that branched off to some nowheresville burg named LIFE ?" "Ha ha ha, yeah Darlin, what was that all about anyway ?" "They all looked like they live in LIFE." "Ha ha,live in LIFE, that's funny ... like they wuz born in a barn, ha ha ha ha." "Uh Hu, like that Jesus character ... oink oink, cackel cackel, hee haw ...funny hicks huh ?" "Man, this traffic is fast ... but the sign back there said, 'Do Your Own Thing, No Limits'".

Yes, there are two ways leading out of this world into eternity. One is a "narrow", one way, often rough, mountain lane with rocks in the road and an upward climb. Its the high road highway which leads to life, "abundant life" in this world and "eternal life" at the end of the road. Unlike the "wide gate", there is a heavy toll price to enter this Narrow Gate ...but it was fully paid by Jesus 2000 years ago. Entry at this narrow "Jesus Gate" is free to all who have the "mustard seed" faith to approach the gate and step through to Jesus. Simply believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. We must enter that narrow opening of Faith in Him plus nothing...but, "true" faith...repents of sin. It is indeed a restrictive, strait gate, but wide open for each believer. Jesus said, "I am THE door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved...." John 10:9. The gate is narrow. The road is also narrow, meaning there is a definite plan, a singular way and no other. It is narrow because it screens out everything and everyone who does not believe. It is the single way in Heaven. That is the JESUS way taught in Holy Scripture ... "I am the door, no man cometh unto the Father but by me." Jesus said it in John 14:6. That's the way it is." "Narrow" "One Way." This high way is so narrow, once you are on it, you cannot turn around or go back through the Jesus Gate of Salvation. You may look back, remembering that easy Broadway down there in the valley, and run into the ditch, as Lot's wife longingly looked back to Sodom. She died in the ditch. You may even decide to stay in that backslidden ditch, off the high way and out of God's will but you will not rest or enjoy a dirty ditch for long if you are truly saved.

My point is, the narrow way leads to "abundant life" here and "eternal life" up there on top of the mountain. This is "the way" of which Isaiah spoke when he said, "A highway shall be there ...it shall be called THE WAY of holiness." Isa.35:8. He also promised, "You will hear a voice behind you saying, "THIS IS THE WAY, WALK YE IN IT." Isa.30:20. This is also "the way" Job described as, "The way where light dwelleth". Job 38:19. And, "God knoweth the way I go". Job 23:10. It is the way of which King Solomon said was, "The way of life is above ... that he may depart (avoid)... hell beneath." Prov.15:24. Wise King Solomon also challenged us, by God's grace, "Train up a child in THE WAY he should go...." Prov.22:6. But, the greatest spokesman for the narrow way of truth, and life is Jesus Christ Himself who declared to the world, "I am THE WAY and THE TRUTH and THE LIFE; no man (or woman) commeth unto the Father but by me." There !! THAT is why He calls it a narrow gate and a narrow way .... because it is a ONE WAY GATE and a ONE GATE WAY and a ONE WAY TRIP. Nobody gets through that narrow, Salvation Gate onto the narrow high way but through and because of Jesus. The wide gate and Broad way look and seem easy at first and fun most of the trip but Solomon insisted, "The way of the transgressor is HARD." Yes, the worldly way, when one is young, looks exciting and desirable, easy, and a lot more fun than that old fashioned and narrow way Grandmaw and Grandpaw believed in. And, yes, Moses confirmed it, that Egypt (type of world) was a place where they "enjoyed the pleasures of sin for A season." Heb.11:25. The pleasures of sin are always short term, "for A season". That is, for ONE SEASON or time. The older one becomes, the harder sin is to give up, and the less it satisfies the lust it has created. Alcohol, drugs, tobacco, promiscuity, gluttony, gossip, lying, stealing, and all sin, slowly embeds itself deeper into the flesh and soul of a person .... but satisfies and pacifies the lust less and less. The unrepentant sinner usually retains the unshakable habit and burning lust but without any relief anymore. The habit becomes a controling, painful, desperate monster. Often dragging the addict to overdose or some other destruction which is always the destination on the Broad way. For those still traveling down the "broad way to destruction", you will regularly pass exits which turn off to the narrow, Jesus way of life. Isn't it time to get off this expressway to certain destruction ? Jesus awaits you, at the strait gate, with His hand reaching out .... to you.
Pass It On. RB

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