Jun 10, 2010

From Innocence Of Childhood To Witch Woman

Common Sense Commentary: The Importance Of Dealing With Faults & Sins Early

Everything on earth is imperfect....people, husbands, wives, children, cars, homes, jobs, employees, bosses, friends, churches, ourselves, everything. Many people never learn to accept imperfection and continue to switch jobs, houses,cars, churches and sometimes spouses regularly and then are also constantly disappointed in themselves and almost everyone and everything else. Since we cannot switch ourselves, some grow weary and develope a blindness to their own faults and sins (hardness of heart). Others of us spend a life-time trying to be perfect....but never reach that impossible goal and therefore spend a miserable life agravated with themselves and everybody else. A very important distinction is the eternal difference between imperfect faults and sins which can only be forgiven by God Himself.....even if those who love us overlook our sins or forgive the effects of our sins upon themselves. I think the lesson here is to be very very sensitive about sin but when we sincerely repent and ask God's forgiveness through Christ, and He forgives, to then forgive ourselves and ask those we have offended to forgive us. Also to love the souls of those who sin against us and be quick to forgive them when they ask and not expect them to ask again and again and again. No one is required to ask forgiveness but once and then the sin is gone. Jesus said, "forgive seventy times seven" but we must only repent once for a sin. One more lesson is to change what we can change about ourselves (faults, habits, attitudes, actions, thoughts, words) and learn to live with things which we cannot change (human nature, face, stature, hair color, family, the faults of others, and the world itself). Faults are not necessarily sin; but sin is certainly a fault and worse still. It is a violation of God's Word and no matter how small it may seem, must be dealt with. Of course, faults need to be dealt with as well. The primary need for dealing with both sin and faults early, while we are young is not simply to "win friends and influence people". The most important reason is that, allowed to remain in our lives, faults and sin tend to grow right along with us. They start small, feed upon our lust and pride, grow larger, develope roots, increase their hold upon us then control us, and finally destroy us. Through the progression of years they may be "secret" sins known only to a few but eventually everybody knows it. The older we...and our sins and faults become, the more outwardly evident they become. Old age is no longer able to hide them. Case in point: The ninty year old witch, woman reporter who, this week blurted out, "The Jews need to get the hell out of Palistine and go back to Germany or Poland". She successfully hid her hatred of Jews for many years. Though she did not say it, her hatred for Jews...and Christians too, I understand, was clearly seen on her face and getting steadly more visible for a long long time. The Bible says there is a time when sin is so indelibly burned into a person that their "conscience is seared over as with a hot Iron". 1 Tim.4:1-2. Please read all of these verses: Prov.29:1 "without remedy", Rom.2:5 "Hard Heartedness", 2 Tim.4:3-4 "Turning from Truth", Heb.3:12-14 "Stand firm", Acts 28:27 "Unconfessed Sin", John 1:8-10 "Sin Forgiven", Rev.16:11 "Final result of unrepented sin". PASS IT ON. RB

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