Jun 11, 2010

An Infinite Paradox

Common Sense Commentary: Webster says, a "paradox" is...."An assertion or sentiment seemingly contradictory, or opposed to COMMON SENSE, but that yet may be TRUE in fact".

One of the most difficult propositions for the human brain to comprehend is that outer space is infinite. An even more difficult proposal to comprehend is that it is not.

Similarly, on a much grander scale, is the contrasting thought/theory of a Theist and an Atheist....to whit: The SECOND most astounding, humanly incomprehensible, implausible assertion is that, "There IS a universal, almighty, Creator God". Whereas, the FIRST most astounding, incomprehensible, implausible assertion is that, "There IS NOT such a God". This being the greater and true conclusion, it then becomes unthinkable that such a Creator God would not give us some kind of divine revelation of Himself and of ourselves such as, Who He is, How we got here, Why are we here, What His plan is, and Where are we going. If that "revelation" is not the Holy Bible....then what is it ?

God, being real, Jesus being His son and our Savior, and the Bible being His Word to us, my goal has long been to invest my energy and resources in the "Strait Gate and Narrow Way to Life" at its most strategic intersection with the "Broad Way to Destruction" to hold open that gate with a big sign that says, "JESUS IS THE WAY".

Pass it on. RB

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