Jun 6, 2010

Knowledge, Wisdom and Inspiration

Common Sense Commentary: "The Good, The Better, The Best"

Though King Solomon certainly had his faults, the Bible indicates that he was also the wisest man who had ever lived. He had vast riches, great power and world wide fame. Wise and experienced, his most notable conclusion was that all of that and all other worldly accomplishments are empty, useless, vanity. Having experienced everything desired by human flesh, and found it worthless to his soul, he opened his mind to spiritually focus upon the ultimate truth and declared that, "The fear (reverence) of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and knowledge of the holy is understanding". Proverbs 9:10. His father, King David, had come to the same reality in Psalms 111:10. God's Apostle to the Gentiles said in Rom.11:33 "O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God". Read also Prov.2:5,Col.1:10, 2Pet.1:2. Knowledge is GOOD but...

Wisdom is BETTER. Wisdom is the proper use of knowledge. Not every highly educated, supremely intelligent person is wise. When we hear the "holy" truths of God and accept them into our knowledge, we begin to understand those spiritual principles which cannot otherwise be understood and "fear (reverence) of the Lord" and Wisdom begin in the life of such a person. James said in 1:5, "If any man lack wisdom let him ask of God...." There is a wisdom of men seen in 1Cor.2:5 and a far different wisdom of God in Lk.2:40&52, 1Cor.1:30, 1Cor.2:7, Eph.1:17, Col.1:9. Wisdom is BETTER than Knowledge...but Inspiration is BEST of all.
Godly Inspiration is imparted only unto the true Christian. It requires an obedient walk with God. It comes only to the wise believer and only from God Himself. "Inspire" means "to breath into or to infill" as in Acts 2:2.
To "inspire" is opposite to "expire". To be filled with the presence of God is "enthusiasm" which is from "entheos" or "God in you". "Christ in you is the hope of glory". Col.1:27. After Jesus had paid for our sins on the cross, He arose from the dead and ascended briefly into heaven to the Mercy Seat Altar of God, there to present Himself as the sacrificial Lamb of God without spot or blemish in fulfillment of all the Old Testament blood sacrifices. His redemption work then finished, He returned to earth (Jn.20:17-22) and commissioned His church to carry this Gospel to all the world. His disciples lacked just one thing....the power to carry out that humanly impossible commission, especially in that age. The New Testament was unavailable, having not yet been canonized (put together) and they did not know all the world's languages. This, Jesus immediately provided; EVERY true Believer was filled with the necessary power. "They were ALL filled with the Holy Spirit of God" and were then miraculously able to speak and be understood by every language. Conveniently, God had gathered foreign Jews to Jerusalem from every nation in the known world for the Passover Celebration. They would return home with the gospel message. When the New Testament was finally canonized, that miraculous gift of speaking in an unknown, universal language was "done away" with. See 1Cor.13:8-10. Every Christian, since Pentecost, is given God's Holy Spirit at the moment of Salvation. "If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His". Rom.8:9. We have a holy calling, an eternal job to do. a clear commission and the power to fulfill it. Let us be about God's work....

Pass it on. RB

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