Jun 4, 2010

Diabolical Contradiction

Common Sense Commentary: Diabolical Contradiction

Our country has deteriorated rapidly into a darkening pit of diabolical contradiction described by God's prophet Isaiah. Isa.5:20. "Woe (grief/misery) unto them that call evil good and good evil". Some will argue, "By whose word or standard
are we to judge what is evil"? The prophet's answer follows in v.24 "...they have cast away the law of the Lord...and despised (His) word...." God's Word and Law clearly establish what is good and what is evil.

Diabolical Contradiction is not some new phenomenon but dates back to Lucifer, an archangel in God's heaven, who, surrounded by all that is good and holy and perfect, nevertheless, sinned by rebelling against Jehovah God. It continued in earth with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden and throughout the Old Testament into the New Testament. King Herod murdered a whole generation of baby boys in an attempt to destroy the baby Jesus. He "called evil good and good evil". This immoral, diabolical doctrine of Lucifer is what set aflame the mob of religionists in Matt.27:11-25 when Gov. Pilate gave them the choice of setting free Jesus the innocent Savior or Barabbas the guilty terrorist. The religious mob cried out "Release Barabbas and crucify Jesus". "Kill the innocent and spare the guilty"!

Similarly, in our own country, today, we see a huge number of Americans firmly embracing a long list of Lucifer's Diabolical Contradictions such as "Abort the innocent from life and spare the convicted, guilty from the death penalty". "Mock and intimidate the virgin and glorify promiscuity". Persecute the Christian and "permit" the Muslim". "Idolize immoral Stars and criticize the moral standards of others". "Tax the hard working producers and give abundantly to the lazy freeloaders". The consequences are still the same, "Woe unto them"......

God's prophet said the time would come when, "The vile person shall be no more be called liberal". Isa.32:5 KJV.

Pass it on. RB

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