Jun 3, 2010

Scriptural Forgiveness

Common Sense Commentary:

When we have been sinned against, there are three possible responses toward the offending person.

1. Forgive them, unconditionally, whether they ask forgiveness or not, whether they repent or not.
2. Refuse to forgive them whether they ask forgiveness or not.
3. Forgive if and when they ask forgiveness.

Jesus taught us both the blessings of repentance and the blessings of forgiveness toward others. Eph.4:32 "....forgive one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you". But, upon what basis does "God for Christ's sake forgive" us? In Luke 13:3 Jesus said "Except ye repent, ye shall...perish". He uses the same standard of "repentance" before "forgiveness" in our relationships with other people in Luke 17:3-4 "....if he repent, forgive him". If the offender does not repent, there is no grounds for forgiveness either on our part or on God's part. Unforgiveness does not suggest carrying a grudge against the person. As God does not carry grudges against the unrepentant, neither should we. The proper attitude of a Christian in such a case is to be in between forgiveness and unforgiveness which is to say, in a state of deferential acquiescence to God's Will. In other words, let God deal with it. But we must stand ready to forgive upon repentance. Matt.6:12-15. It is always right to treat everyone kindly. This does not negate the equally important necessity of law enforcement, military protection and self defence; all of which are allowed when circumstances demand it. I will cover that at another time....

Pass it on. RB

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