Jul 13, 2010

Are You A Liberal Or A Conservative Christian ?

Common Sense Commentary: There is a misunderstanding in a lot of Christian minds as to whether they are a Liberal or a Conservative Christian. Many Christians love the word "liberal" because they understand it to mean "generous", and that IS one of its definitions. Witness Webster, "Bestowing in a large and noble way; generous; bountiful; open handed." By that definition, I too would like to be known as a liberal Christian. I would like to think I am liberal in giving, in forgiveness, in loving people and in free thought. There is, however, another definition of "liberal". Again, witness Webster, "Free from restraint, unchecked licentious,lawless, not bound by orthodox tenants of religion." That's not me !Now, "orthodox" simply means, "right, true opinion and Sound in opinion on religious doctrine." Every major teaching in the Bible is a "doctrine" and deserves "orthodox"
acceptance by Christians. The word "orthodox" is akin to "fundamental" which simply means"An essential".If you believe that there are a few things which are "essential" to a person being a Christian, those are fundamental doctrines. If you believe that, but do not want to be known as a fundamentalist or as orthodox (Satan has besmirched both words), you can be a Christian "Essentialist" or "Conservative", since none of those words are in the Bible anyway. A Conservative Christian simply wants to "conserve" or "preserve" the Christian principles in God's Word. That is my stand. I am a Conservative Christian Essentialist. Liberals call me a Fundamentalist, which is fine, and a few Fundamentalists call me a compromiser for not putting the word on my stationery. It matters not; none of these words are found in the Bible and that's where I find my convictions.

To assist you further in understanding whether you are a "Liberal" or a Conservative
Christian, here are seven "Yes" or "No" questions which should reveal which you are.

1. Do you believe heaven and earth were created by God as recorded in Genesis one ?
....If your answer is, Yes = You are a Conservative concerning God's Word. .......
....If your answer is No = You are a Liberal concerning God's Word.

2. Do you believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God as recorded in 2 Tim.3:16 ?
....If your answer is, Yes = You are a Conservative..................................
....If your answer is, No = You are a Liberal........................................

3. Do you believe there was a world wide flood as recorded in Genesis 7:17 ?........
....If your answer is, Yes = You are a Conservative.................................
....If your answer is, No = You are a Liberal.......................................

4. Do you believe Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God as recorded in Jn.3:16
....If your answer is, Yes = You are a Conservative.................................
....If your answer is, No = You are a Liberal.......................................

5. Do you believe Jesus was born of a virgin as recorded in Matthew 1:23 ?...........
....If your answer is, Yes = You are a Conservative..................................
....If your answer is, No = You are a Liberal........................................

6. Do you believe Jesus was crucified and arose from the dead as in Matt.28:6-7 ?....
....If your answer is, Yes = You are a Conservative..................................
....If your answer is, No = You are a Liberal........................................

7. Do you believe Jesus is Coming Again for His Believing Followers ? John 14:3....
....If your answer is, Yes = You are a Conservative..................................
....If your answer is, No = You are a Liberal........................................

It is dangerous to be open minded to change (Liberal) with God's Holy things, the Bible, the virgin birth, Jesus's diety , His death and resurrection, Heaven and Hell etc. It is quite simple, if you believe God's Word, repent of your sins and accept Christ as your Saviour, you are a Conservative Christian. If you do not, you are not.

"The vile person shall be no more called liberal ...." Isa.32:5

Pass it on. RB

1 comment:

  1. EXCELLENT!!! Well, each blog is, but this is especially relevant today. Thank you, brother.


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