Jul 12, 2010

Balance: Physical, Mental, and Spiritual

Common Sense Commentary: God created the universe in perfect balance. The earth is in perfect balance, forests, seas, animals, air, day and night ... all in balance. He also created our minds and bodies to stay in balance ... if we do what is right with them. Men certainly cannot get the universe out of balance and probably not the earth either ... unless we cause another Ice Age, maybe. Strangely, the "Global Warming" religion has changed it's name to "Climate Change" since a record number of record cold temperatures around the world. Now, either way it goes, warming or cooling, they will be righteous. Man, as in "human", certainly can and does get his body, mind, spirit, home and often other people's out of balance with nature and nature's God.

Every highway, however narrow, has a center, a right and left side, and a ditch on each extreme. Even on a one way, one lane, "strait way" such as Jesus spoke of, in Mt.7:14, it is important to stay on the road away from the extremes.

Many a "religious" heart is convinced that he/she is on the "strait and narrow, middle of truth" because of the opposition he encounters from one side of the road or the other. "I'm being persecuted", he says, "because of my uncompromising stand for the truth." As he bemoans his "suffering for Jesus" or "for humanity" or for "the brotherhood of man", he points from his extreme ditch, across the "high way" to the opposite ditch, and accuses those heretics over there of "gross error" because of their preachments against what he is for or for what he is against.

From the other side of the "high way", in the opposite ditch, arise similar clouds of complaint, like smoke signals before the massacre. And so, rocks, Bibles and quotations are hurled back and forth, across the "high way", in the battle of the ditches...the two opposite extremes away from truth.

Up on the "high way", trying to walk with Jesus in the middle of His "Way,Truth,and Life", is Mr. Christian Balance, who really has it tough. He and Jesus are in the crossfire between the two extremes of harsh Legalism and wishy washie Compromise. He/she is being bombarded from both left and right ditches and accused of being "on the other side...warming by the enemy's fire". From the left ditch, fingers point at him and voices shout, "You're teaching LEGALISM." From the right ditch, fingers point at him and voices shout, "You're saying Christians can live like the Devil."

From up on top of the road, trying hard to keep out of either ditch, comes the "balanced" voice of reason, "Christ died for our sins". "For by GRACE are ye saved through faith; and that NOT of yourselves: it is the GIFT of God: NOT OF WORKS, lest any man should boast." "EVEN SO, faith, if it hath not WORKS, is DEAD, being alone. 1Cor.15:3, Eph.2:8-9, James 2:17 .... So, you have your choice of the DEAD WORKS RELIGIOUS DITCH or the DEAD FAITH RELIGIOUS DITCH or up where Jesus walks with you in Spiritual Balance.

There is a ditch and rock wall on the Legalism side of that "narrow way" and a ditch and precipice on the opposite side. Veer to the right of truth and you hit the rock wall and fall wounded into that ditch. Veer to the left of truth and you hit that ditch and hope you don't bounce off the Cliff.

Thank God for those who remain steadfast, and faithfully walk the "strait and narrow", always weaving a bit, but close to the middle of truth, through daily Bible study and fervent prayer. Spiritual Balance is more important than walking a tight wire between sky scrapers. Balance is important whether you are walking, driving a car, riding a bicycle or skates ... especially on the "narrow way" that leads to eternal life.

Balance, between the extremes, of all good things, from interpretation of Scripture, rules, enforcement, home, business, ... is essential to any real success in all endeavours. Analyze your options, decisions, and actions. Talk to yourself, cross examine your strongly held opinions and convictions, never God's Word itself, but your opinion of what God is saying, your own tightly held convictions. Seek accuracy in your UNDERSTANDING of Scripture NOT accuracy of Scripture. Do your opinions truly harmonize with Scripture, or do some of the things you embrace actually reflect what your preacher friends or denomination insist upon. Often, convictions reflect what Momma and Daddy believed. God holds us responsible for ourselves and what we believe and teach others, with serious consequences.Rev.22:18-19. IT MUST BE RIGHT WITH GOD and His Word, no matter what anyone else believes. True and accurate understanding, of what God's Word is actually saying, is absolutely necessary in Spiritual Balance. Jesus promised, "The Spirit of truth will guide you into all truth." Jn.1613

If you think, or someone or something, tells you it is God's will for you to do "church work" fifteen hours a day, when you have a wife and children to feed and care for, someone or something is lying to you. Even if you are single or on a Church staff, there is a reasonable balance. Every single thing we do each day should be for God, in faith. "Whatsoever is not of faith is sin".Rom.14:23. That includes everything, "whatsoever", working, playing, eating, sleeping, bathroom, and "church work". The Apostle Paul had to make tents for a primary income. He did it in faith... for God. Satan perverts every single thing God created. That old Devil has counterfeit churches, Christians, love, doctrine, salvation and a long list of other holy things he has twisted and perverted. He even has counterfeit Christs, Apostles and Ministers. 2Cor.11:13-15. Just because it looks religious does not mean it is Christian and true or in spiritual balance.

We can get totally out of Spiritual Balance doing "Church Work" as opposed to simply walking with Jesus. Search the Scriptures and pray to our Lord for TRUE SCRIPTURAL BALANCE. And then work on physical balance (food, sleep, exercise) and mental balance (cultivate good thoughts and reject bad ones). BALANCE,BALANCE, BALANCE. Pass it on. RB

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