Jul 9, 2010

How Will Our Country Survive....FREE ?

Common Sense Commentary:

This has nothing to do with politics....except as politics have caused the problem. It has to do with our constitutional freedoms. Whichever party runs a Conservative, Constitutionalist, All American, for whichever office, wins my vote. It matters not whether that person is male, female, black,white,old,young,ugly,or inexperienced; I would vote for a non-Christian who fits the above description if his opponent was a "professing" Christian but just another social planner, big spender, tax crazed, morally bankrupt, Liberal. I'd rather hire an agnostic, experienced mechanic or doctor than a"professing" Christian impersonating a doctor or mechanic or even an inept, bleeding heart, politically Liberal Christian...if there is such a thing. My litmus test for political candidates at this critical juncture of our nations SURVIVAL is boiled down to a single requirement ... "SAVE OUR NATION", which means, STOP what is now happening to her !!! If the Democrats run such a candidate, they will get my vote for the first time in eighty years. If the Republicans don't run such candidates, I will dump them like a broken Timex, and join the Tea Party. I know for a fact that millions of Americans are fed up with Democrat AND Republican LIBERALS in high office or low down, spending us into bankruptcy with both hands.

Dear readers, this November is when and where the rubber meets the road, potholes, spikes,detours and all. The "BRIDGE OUT" signs are flashing. Our nation, with all of our families, is speeding recklessly through the night toward the precipice...and I am not exaggerating the danger. As Mordecai warned Queen Esther, "Think not...that thou shalt escape....Who knows whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this." If you do not vote THIS year, in "the land of the free and home of the brave",you will very quickly be no longer free, and a coward as well." If, not voting, is just laziness or inconvenience, jerk your self off the couch and vote early. Get an absentee ballot "early" and mail it in. If you are not registered to vote, GET REGISTERED NOW ! That old, Whinnie excuse, "One vote doesn't count for much", is the Devil's lie. SHUT UP you wimps; one vote is all that does count. A few or a hundred or two or a thousand "one votes" is what wins or loses elections.How do you think elections are won anyway, a thousand bus loads, or trainloads at a time ? A lot of vital elections are won by a very few votes. They are all won by one vote at a time. A huge bunch of good guys, scattered all over the country, cast one vote each for the good candidate, or else, a huge bunch of idiots cast one vote each ....or maybe two votes each or three or ten or 50. STOP IT. We need some poll watchers who check identifies...get down there and sign up. If you are a conservative who doesn't vote, or a Socialist Liberal who does, please don't tell anyone you are a friend of mine. Pass It On. RB

1 comment:

  1. The Constitution is at stake. The Marxist intelligentsia have infested every part of the federal government and have exposed themselves as enemies of the republic. Through a seemingly innocuous "progressive" agenda they have created a deconstructionist culture of dependency, entitlement and married it to the cult of personality. They have often had two of these three essential paradigms in action at one time, but never all three.

    Since this odious political tripod is incompatible with the very notions of limited government, popular sovereignty and individual (natural) rights, it is time to stand on principle.

    Standing on principle will require the work of the vine dresser--spiritually and literally. First, those of us who love the republic, must put its survival above all. And, as you have pointed out, fostering a re-flowering of the republic will require clipping unproductive branches within the camp first.


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