Jul 27, 2010

Character and Commitment ! Unusual Times require Unusual People

For Believers Only: "For thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is His name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth....Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread ? and your labor for that which satisfied not....Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isa. 54:5 & 55:2, 6-7.

This is God's remedy for Israel and for our nation which was once called a "Christian Nation". God's people, Israel, turned from their Messiah/Christ (Hebrew/Greek, same word) and paid a terrible price for it. Similarly, the United States has now turned from this same Messiah/Christ and the price we will pay has only just begun. Jesus fulfilled every Old Testament prophecy concerning the coming Messiah/Christ. The Jews had every reason to recognize Him but as with US, their Religious and Political leaders led them to reject all the evidence of miracles and prophecy that proved Jesus had to be Messiah/Christ. In both cases, it was jealously, greed, sin and RELIGION that turned their hearts and ours away from Christ. It should be obvious to any sincere, honest person that something horrible, of "Biblical proportions" has both countries in its grasp.

Our country is in desperate need of a restoration of old fashioned Character and Commitment and we Christians are in even more desperate need of a Revival of Holy Commitment to Christ.
Jer.17:9 . These are unusual times but truly great leaders do not arise from pleasure and ease;
Fame maybe, a talented speaker maybe, but soft times breed soft people. Its tough times that breed tough people. Truly great leaders arise out of pain, difficulty and persecution. An honest observation will verify that Education, Entertainment, Religion, Wall Street, News Media, all branches of Government, and even most churches are hopelessly corrupted , anemic, or dead. Not many of us are "hopeless" with God but our lack of Character and Commitment render us useless in His service and therefore on dangerous ground.

Few Americans, over forty years old, would deny that we are on the brink of even worse disasters than we have yet seen. Yes, these are "unusual times, for America. Other countries have seen it before, but our country has never endured what Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe have experienced. Some of our finest Leaders came out of the Great Depression and World War II. We became prosperous and well fed and were leaders and an example to the world. But, ease, pleasure, and the good life became our goal in life. The 1950's, 60's, and 70's were easy years but bred weakness of character in our national conscience. Selfishness, laziness, and fatness took root and shoddy workmanship, broken homes and every kind of sin mushroomed. Out of this evil soil sprouted HIV, Aids, Perversion, Drug Abuse, Crime, Political Corruption, Flagrant Immorality, Greed, Dishonest Investment Agents, Broken Homes, Christless Churches, and Blatant Promiscuity.

Confusion, anger, fear, depression and hatred are eating away at the souls of millions of Americans. Many, even Christians, will break under the stress and pressure or give in and quit trying or follow the path of least resistance. The battlefield will be strewn with casualties in this war between good and evil. We have little time to take a stand. Everyone has a place at the front lines. It is a Spiritual conflict and nobody is too old or young or weak to pray and stand up for truth and join the good fight to win back our nation and churches from the evil in them.

Don't be misled in the fall elections and in our churches. We don't need geniuses, another lawyer, a smooth talking serpent, a sweet Pastor or a politician. Whatever else they may be, we need Christian Character and Commitment to lead us out of this Black Hole we are being sucked into. People are angry and confused and blaming everything and almost everybody for "this mess". Bush is to blame, no Obama did it, no it was Republicans or Democrats. Its the Bankers or the Fed or Wall Street. And, yes, they are all guilty to some extent; Some much more than others. Even I carry a bit of the blame. I could have been a better father, husband, pastor, man, American, Christian....But I am eighty years old now and have little left to give. Evidently, I can still at least pray and type and I will do that and witness to neighbors and worship our Lord. But some of you are still able and capable of active leadership and know the truths of our God. You can make a difference. Carry your light to this darkening country. Lift your pastor up in prayer. Speak up when others speak down. Take the abuse which may result. Be faithful and help our churches and our country out of this swirling suction of wickedness which has infected and engulfed us all.

Pass It On. RB

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