Jul 31, 2010

Justice, Courage, Honor and America

There was a time in this country when robbery was less profitable and more dangerous. During the early history of America, right on up to the early 1960's , most robbers wound up in jail for long, hard years...or dead. The philosophy during those times reflected the tough, courageous, characteristics of the people as well as their strong sense of Justice and Honor. Generally, they would not tolerate crime, bothering a good woman, or challenging their Honor, Courage or reputation. If you dared rob somebody, you were the one most likely to get hurt .... at the scene of the crime or later in prison.

People who survived in those days worked very hard for what they had and they didn't give it up easily to thieves. It was as much "the principle of the thing" as it was economics. In my hometown, Sweetwater Texas, during the 1930's and 40's, the general attitude was, "I will share what I have or I may give it all away for a good cause, but you will not take it away from me without a fight". Justice was a "holy" cause in those days .... and we were more secure as a nation and our streets were safe, even in large cities, usually. Crime did not pay much if any.

Today, things are different. We "play it safe" at all costs. That philosophy has sifted all the way down to the pizza man. The advice given young men is, "Don't stick your neck out" or, "Don't be a hero" or, "It's no skin off of your nose" or "Let it go, we're insured". Of course, a pizza is not worth dying for, but where does it stop ....a bike .... a car .... a crude oil tanker .... a cruise ship ....
a nation ? Illegal drug use could have been easily stopped when it first started, but not now. It may take a hundred years for it to burn itself out. A forest fire begins with a spark or a match and destroys millions of trees and often, hundreds of homes. An ounce of water would have prevented it, but once it is out of control, all the emergency methods the nation has can't stop it.

How about "the principle of the thing" ? Do we teach our children that the best way to survive is to surrender, give up, quit, or simply avoid bullies, drug users, thieves and entire neighborhoods ? What about when they are grown and gone from home and are forced to deal with all those things ? Will they take on the attitude of the majority and overlook such things or pretend they aren't happening. That only makes a bad problem worse. Do we teach our children to face up to difficult problems. If not, do they in turn neglect to cultivate character in their own children ?

Someone somewhere has to help turn the tide by setting an example of Courage, Honor and Justice. Surrender has to stop somewhere and the sooner we stop surrendering, giving up, and looking the other way instead of facing injustice, government violation of our Constitution, bullies, and intimidaters, and repent of our own "wicked ways", the sooner our nation will be healed. 2Chron.7:14.

You will be forced to draw the "Alamo line" somewhere in your life. Our nation must draw it somewhere, and soon, or our "land of the free and home of the brave" will be gone for ever. When first learning to type, we typed over and over, "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country". Right NOW is that time, August, September, October, and November 2, 2010. America must have some new Champions of Justice, Courage and Honor to step across that Alamo Line and campaign for, and support honest, patriotic, descent Candidates for offices of leadership. Who among them is the best for our nation not for the Democrats or Republicans but for God first and America second. Left Wing Liberals must stop trying to make the best nation on earth perfect, created in their own image. Strengthen America by improving yourself.

Pass it on. RB

1 comment:

  1. I wish we would see a candidate who was truly a champion of justice, courage and honor. If someone lived by Joshua 1:8, meditating in the Word, day and night, he would have the wisdom needed to stand and step across that Alamo Line. If you were running for office I would vote for you.


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