Jul 31, 2010

The Newest Thing In People And Computers

Common Sense Commentary: God and Bill Gates are in the "Innovation" business. Bill is continuously surrounding himself with Techs, Geeks, and Innovators creating new STUFF. God is, of course, the greatest Creator and Innovator in the universe....not just Silicon Valley. We know well what "create" means but what does "innovate" mean.

Innovate is from the Latin "innovatus", past participle of "innovare" which is from "in" plus "novare" "to make new". "If any man be in Christ, he is a NEW creature...." 2Cor.5:17. God is in the eternal, spiritual business of Creating, and later "Innovating" (Making New ) what He Created that got broken by sin, and even after that He will "Renovate" what He first Created and then Remade which then gets damaged by sin again. He will Renovate (Repair Restore) it. The message here is that every human being, whom God created, because of the fall of the entire race in Adam and Eve, needs to be Remade by the "New Birth" and every "Born Again Christian", damaged by sin needs to be Repaired, through prayer, by the Master Craftsman. He who built us in the first place, saved us from our ruined condition and will repair us, his children, as well.

See the transformation, innovation of future computers at this link:


Pass It On. RB

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