Jul 23, 2010

Civil Law & Religious Law Versus God's Law

Common Sense Commentary: It needs to be repeated, obeyed and passed on to all Christians what God's Plan is for the welfare, protection, and civil order of His supreme creation, "in His own image", the human race. Designed, not for the race as a whole but for each individual person within the race. God provided for our security and freedom through His Law and His designated, very limited authority to every society for Civil Law. Jesus, Himself, gave a short, two point, sentence summing up all legitimate law in Luke 20:25.

I. God's Clear Division of The Powers of LAW, Secondary and Primary in Luke 20:25.

...1."Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's,.......
......and to God the things that are God's." Christians have a citizenship responsibility to obey Civil Laws except those which violate God's Greater Laws.
...2. God instituted Civil Government in Genesis 9:5-6 for the protection and freedom of every single human being who ever lives on earth. GOVERNMENT HAS NO OTHER PURPOSE OR POWER OR AUTHORITY!!! "And surely...your lives will I require... at the hand of man (society); at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man, Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man (society) shall his blood be shed:for in the image of God made He man." In these verses, God gave ONE, FOUNDATIONAL COMMANDMENT for the SANCTITY and SAFETY of Human Life. Upon this ORIGINAL LAW, all of God's Commandments rest; and ALL God ordained Civil Law MUST be based. God takes the murder of those created in His image as an attack upon Himself, "for in the image of God made He man".
...3. Our U.S. Constitution incorporates this principle and extends it to the individual States. It clearly says that Federal Government powers are LIMITED to exactly what is there in the document, the Constitution, and ALL other Powers belong to the individual states! ALL ! Any government law which violates God's Word should be disobeyed by Christians and....
...4. Since God instituted Civil Government, any law, decree, or "public policy" which violates our Federal Constitution, is illegal, and should also be disobeyed. When Caesar's, Roman Law was violated by the Roman Centurion and Jewish Pharasees, The Apostle Paul called the Centurian's hand on it and forced him to consult higher Roman authority and they turned him loose. Here, the Religious and Civil Authorities were the law breakers, not Paul. Acts 22:25-29 & 23:27

II....God Expanded Gen.9:5-6, His One, Original, Civil Law dealing with Murder, to Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:3-17 and included "Thou shalt not kill."v.13. The Hebrew word translated "kill" is "Ratsack" and means, "MURDER". In the very next chapter, Ex.21, God prescribes that the penalty for "MURDER" is "DEATH" by "EXECUTION". The Hebrew word for "DEATH" is "muth" and means "execution". Two entirely different words in adjoining chapters. That is not a contradiction !

IV....Luke, the beloved physician, recorded in the "Actions of the Apostles", how Christ's Apostles disobeyed Religious and Civil Law when it contradicted God's Law. Acts 5:26-29 "Then went the Captain of the officers....and when they had brought (the Apostles) they set them before the Council: and the High Priest asked them, saying, Did not we straitly command you that ye should not teach in (Jesus) name ? Then Peter and the other Apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men." God's Law supersedes all Religious and Civil Law.
V.....The Apostle Paul Emphasised the Importance of Obeying Civil Laws and Powers and the Consequences of Disobedience in Romans 13:1-6 and sums up his reasoning with, This is why you pay taxes. But none of the Apostles obeyed Civil laws or powers which contradicted or violated God's Laws. Don't miss this video.........

Pass It On. RB

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