Jul 22, 2010

How In Thunder Did The Universe Get Here Anyway ?

Common Sense Commentary: I guess I'm going to have to hire some "Good Ole Boy, Redneck" to cuss for me. Any applicants must be non smokers, no alcohol, no flirting with my wife, or using God's name in vain. If you use damn or hell, it must be in reference to eternal judgement. You can use words I am not comfortable saying in public such as, heck, dang, doggonit, darn, and dadgummit. I can use baloney, shoot and shucks for myself and often do, in reference to the news media, bad guys, and Huck Fenn's cuss word. Also, when discussing Liberal Politicians, I say "What in Thunder","Great Day In The Mornin", and "That's asinine" with no apology. Now, where was I ?

I read this morning (AP) that the Royal Astronomical Society just reported that a scientist over there in England has found, "The Most Massive Star Ever Discovered". Its name is R136a1 and ^*$%&#@ Howdy yall scuse me,but the preacherman jus hared me to do his cussin then had to leeve so I red whut he wus ritin about an wil tri to do my nue job gud. Now less see, he wuz sayn this hear nue stars name is R136a1 an ...Wel that sonds like a convic or alian or ilegale emigrunt to me. this here geneus feller says this here star thang is a hunerd tims biger then our sun an wuz bornd overwate an is (let me quot "already middle-aged and has undergone an intense weight loss program." dont blam me, ats thyr eggact wurds. ive seen lots a sky stars but not a sengle fat un yet. wel if you belev it i dont. that bornd overwait thang musta ben ahful hard on its maw but bein fatter then a hunerd suns an then put on a diat is a mispellprint or a mity big whapper one, an i dont mean a berger king. if God put it on a diat, it got whut it desarved eben if it wuz a ilegale alian convic or sumpum els. they didn say how they nue its name wuz R136a1 but...

I'm back ! I was very fortunate; awhile ago the Lord must have heard my joking request for a "good ole boy red neck to do my cussing for me". This guy knocked on my door, as I was leaving on an emergency, and I hired him to carry some heavy boxes to the garage. He finished before I returned and was sitting here reading my blog. Hope he didn't touch anything. As I was saying, this is the most "massive" star ever discovered. It shines at, "one hundred million times the luminosity of our sun and is "265,000 light years away from earth". One light year is the distance light travels in one year. Since light travels 186,000 miles per second, that would mean light travels 5.8657 quadrillion (5,865,696,000,000) miles per year. That,multiplied times 265,000 equals a long trip to this newly discovered star. I suppose it is up there as they say but, as far as that is away from earth, it is still just in the second heaven, (where the stars are) and could be another centellian or zillion miles to God's throne. There are a centillion directions up so we don't know which "up" points to God's throne. There is just one direction down from the surface of the earth. "Down" stops at the center core of earth. All other directions are infinite.

I am an astronautic agnostic (can't know) when it comes to some scientific "expert" telling us he has weighed this star a hundred million miles across (100 suns) and a zillion zillion miles away and took billions of light years for its shine to reach earth and he knows what it weighs.

The Soviet scientists boasted, when Sputnik returned to earth after its historic orbiting of earth, that their astronaut "didn't see any God way up there". Compared to the infinite distances of outer space, that puny, little, speck, spacecraft was only a hair's breadth above the earth and their astronaut was looking into the face of God and saw only what he wanted to see.

I have a question for the evolutionist/atheist: If the universe evolved, "from what?" If that "what" evolved also, "from what?" So where did the first of those uncountable "whats" come from and "where" was it doing its little evolving trick and where did that "where" come from ? If you can't tell me where and from what this universe came,you will show wisdom by being quiet. Isn't evolution and atheism harder to believe than an intelligent Creator? I don't deny a "Big Bang". Considering the infinite(is humongous a word), vast expanse of the universe and the centillions of stars and planets, when God said, "LET THERE BE....", it had to make a "Big Bang". If you don't believe that, its like studying the bang and analyzing the shot pattern and overlooking the shotgun in favor of "Nobody knows what caused that big bang, it just happened." Link to the above mentioned article follows:


Pass It On. RB

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