Jul 16, 2010

THE TRUTH Cannot Be Twisted !!!

Common Sense Commentary: My title speaks of "THE" (definite article) truth, concerning any and everything as to exactly what actually happened and was, as God saw it, heard it and knows it. It does not incorporate supposition, suspicion, accusation, convincing clues, witness testimony, or evidence to the contrary but the absolute truth as God Himself knows it. The truth is the truth is the truth. Many people want everybody they know to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth....But they, themselves do not. They swear they "don't lie", but they misrepresent, mislead, exaggerate, and falsely insinuate, all of which is ...Lying !
If a person "thinks" what they are saying is the truth, they are not lying: they are misinformed or have a flawed memory.

We often hear about people who "twist the truth". Actually, the truth cannot be twisted.People's words may twist at it and all around it. Some people's minds are twisted about the truth. Erroneous doctrine may twist or be twisted, but "THE" truth still is and always will be "THE" truth. "THE" truth is written in God's record books before it happens...and is indelibly embedded in the Rock Of Ages. Every "God's honest to goodness truth" is on record, written in His eternal record books which will be opened at the Great White Throne Judgement prophesied in Rev.20:12. "....and the books were opened....". Those Holy, transparent, record books are accurate to the last jot and tittle, period and comma.

Truth has just one very narrow category....ABSOLUTE FACT. A thing either happened or it didn't. It is what it is, either true or false. Truth is the eternal and totally accurate fact of a matter as God knows it. All truth is God's truth and though He may not be pleased with the matter, He is pleased with "THE" truth of the matter. Truth is reality in bold, luminous, headlines across the sky. No one or no thing can change it ...forever. There is no bad truth or wrong truth or even half truth. A half truth is a whole lie. A white lie is a big black lie and that's the truth. The truth may be lied about, denied, sworn against and attacked, but it remains "THE" truth. Truth is truth whoever disagrees or agrees with it. Truth has within itself the very power and presence of God. Jesus said, "I am the truth..." Jn.14:6. Apostle Paul challenged, "Speak the truth in Christ, and lie not". 1Tim2:7.

Truth is an everlasting pillar reaching from Heaven to Hell and from eternity to eternity. It cannot be twisted. To seek to do so or to change it or escape it is a fool's endeavor. Truth is no more or less than exactly what it is, irreversible and eternal. Church Doctrine falls into just two categories: TRUE or FALSE. True Doctrine, based firmly and completely on God's Word, THE BIBLE, harmonizes with the whole of it or it is completely false. False Doctrine is based on men's traditions, interpretation, understanding or willful perversion of the Holy Bible. Doctrine that is not founded and proven in the Bible is not Bible doctrine. Truth tainted by error is no longer the truth.

Truly mature Christians should not be misled by lies, half truths, false doctrine and perversions of God's Word for two reasons. (1) They have the Spirit of Truth dwelling within them. This is true of all Christians including the very young, either in age or spiritually stunted. Jesus said, "The Spirit of truth...shall guide you into all truth".Jn.16:13. (2) More developed, mature Christians have another spiritual asset, that of "discernment". "...Those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil." Heb.5:14. Though you have God's Spirit of Truth, without faithful Bible study and prayer, there is no spiritual growth possible and you may be spiritually gullible.

"If we believe not, yet He (God) abideth faithful: He cannot deny Himself." 2Tim.2:13
.... "God cannot lie" Titus 1:2

Pass It On. RB

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