Jul 15, 2010

"Power, Love And A Sound Mind"

Common Sense Commentary: God's Word has an answer to every truly important question
and a "key" verse or verses for every needy lock on your life. Courage over Fear, Power over Weakness, "Love covers a multitude of Sin". A fragile, fearful or troubled mind is over powered by a sound (faithful) mind.

Besides answering all questions, and needs, God's Word is a never ending source of strength and blessing. Every new day throws a new light on an old verse. God serves up His Word according to the need of the hour. No, the Bible doesn't change but our understanding and daily needs do. A verse I have preached and taught many times suddenly unfolded to my heart with new meaning, to me. One very traumatic day, God knew I needed this verse. It was there all the time but my mind was not fertile or ready to see it in a new light with new understanding. I can't even describe it with these words. I think world and national degeneration, catastrophe, financial ruin, death of so many close friends and family, and constant crisis over recent years has softened-up my mind and heart as a more fertile ground for the seed of God's Word.

The verse is this, from 2 Tim.1:7, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." I needed and still need this verse and I am sure you do too in these fearful and insane times. Our God cares for us.

When Jesus Christ hung on that cross and God provided our salvation through His agony and death, he was not purchasing for us the "spirit of fear". "God is love" and "perfect love casteth out fear". IJn.4:18. Fear is of the world not of faith. We cannot reach the world with the Gospel in fear of the world or of man or of Satan. Fear drains away our faith and cripples us.
No, God has not given us the spirit of fear but of:.................................

1. POWER....power to live in a wrecked world; power to overcome depression; power to keep on keeping on; power to grow and expand and attack the "powers of darkness" when the whole world is retreating and surrendering, and power to survive to serve Him faithfully.

2. LOVE.....love for Christ, love for Christians, love for lost souls, love for the unlovely. Jesus said to "Love thy neighbor as thyself" Mk.12:31. Love your neighbor and love yourself too, because God loves the both of you, equally. He does not say to love others "more" or "instead of", but "as thyself".
3. A SOUND MIND .... in an unsound world. Sound in thought, planning, and prayer.
Sound in danger, sound in turmoil, sound under pressure and in crisis. THINK with God's word in mind. Think long and hard on every serious problem...and pray........

There is no superman but there is a SUPER GOD and He lives in you....Christian. ....
Pass It On. RB

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