Jul 19, 2010

My Resume Is My Platform For USA Precedentcy

Common Sense Commentary: I have dreamed of being THE "PRECEDENT" of the U.S.A. since I was born and even prior to that. Now that no sane American Citizen, foreign or domestic, wants JOB ONE...it having become an impossible nightmare over the last few months, I am your man. Lyin Lyndon said,"Politics is the art of the possible" so, now that the world and outer space seem "hope less", doomed, dissected, destroyed and deluged with "change", I will tip toe up to that volcanic ring of fire...and toss my turban in. Here is my RESUME/PLATFORM.

1. My qualifications for Job One are without question... obvious to me..............
2. My amazing life's "story" began in Hawaii and Kenya where I was born.............
3. My foreign policy experience was gained in all of those different countries......
4. My historic knowledge extends from there to Indonesia and other places...........
5. My parents were all exceptional, free lovin, loud demonstratin Gypsies...........
6. My ancestors trace all the way back to Haight Ashbury and Mecca in Europe........
7. I have vast talent and long experience for the Precedentcy of my choice,USA......
8. I rush cautiously to greasy,red necks in need and sing "Dixie" in Alabama........
9. I will make no mistakes unless they are the right thing to do for the USA........
10. My pollsters tell me that I love this country as it loves me; thank you All ah..
11. My first priority is to stop these "Go Getters" at the Get Go ! Gotcha..........
12. My next priority is to make all employees CEO's and visa versa...Quick..........
13. My "Populous" breeding includes all colors, religions, national origins etc.....
14. My religion is multi-faceted with billions of virgins and poor lost sinners etc.
15. I pray three times a day toward that holy site, Meccarusalem...Amin & Amen......
16. I swear to you on a stack of Kor...bibles that I know whereof I speak...........
17. I love ecology and honeymooned in a tree at a beach on a high mountain..........
18. I "don't know how" to tell a lie and I have proven it many, many times..........
19. My answer to OIL INDEPENDENCE is, "We have abundance of oil in the Gulf"........
20. I promise you can trust me to "change" your savings into coin of the realm......
21. I will even invest your $ mulla with my $$ Mullah in gas,oil, and Abu Dhabis....
22. Yes, comrade, I will drive the moneychangers out of the Temple and back to
....Washington, in "limousine one", where they are needed and surrounded by friends..
23. When I have finished our great country, you will say, "He was the greatest......
...."Precedent" in our history, He changed America and the world. What's next?"...You WILL say that !!!
24. Yes, my children, I see you are with me and feel that tingle up your leg, that other "precedent" set by my beloved Chris Matthews. Yes sweet Hollywood,yes my loyal supporters there in San Quentin, California and similar communities across the land.... What is next ? A new and higher challenge. The greatest institution in all the universe....THE UNITED NATIONS. As Secretary General, I will unite all nations, continents, Christians, Communists, Muslims, Headhunters, Money Bags and Dirt Bags alike, we will all be truly UNITED and truly equal in health, wealth,skin color, politics, and communes .... Heaven on earth with fifty eight vir...angels each in your own apartment. Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar.
25. We have already begun planning an international monument to world unity, in New York City, on that holy site where the walls of division came crashing down. There, a magnificent, Holy Moskoleum will rise to the skies in memory of those brave few who voluntarily gave their lives and have gone on to meet their fifty eight,sweet vir....uhh..angels.

Yes, dear voters, you can trust me to do all I promise and more,much, much more.....
Pass It On. Rayburn Blair

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