Jul 20, 2010

Never Liked Pedestals. Couldn't Carry One Anyway

Common Sense Commentary: "We dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves are not wise." 2Cor.10:12

In 1988 I wrote an article for our "Word Of Truth" news letter to several thousand members and supporters of our various ministries entitled,"Don't Force Any Pedestals On Me". My inspiration for the article was a School Board meeting at one of our Christian Schools in a neighboring county. A Board Member of that school asked me, "Pastor Blair,who is backing you in all these ministries you have founded? You aren't smart enough to have done it on your own." I thanked him for his accurate perception of my abilities and for recognizing that there was an unseen intelligence and source of funding supporting and directing me. He just couldn't see how anyone could start from nothing and build a large church, three Christian Schools, a Rescue Mission, City Food Bank, Children's Home, TV Station, and a World Missions Program, in such a short time. He was absolutely right. I was not smart enough, strong enough, rich enough or financially "connected" enough to do what had been done in those three counties...in ANY length of time. He asked if I had a "Denomination or secret benefactor" supporting me. My answer was,"No" to both suggestions.My denomination was"The Kingdom Of God and His Church and my Benefactor was no secret. God The Father, Son and Holy Spirit did it all through His Bible and an unexceptional, not too intelligent, simple preacher who tried or tried to try to do his best and several thousand of the most precious, sacrificial, committed church members any preacher ever Pastored. If it looked like a series of miracles, God, even dealing with us at all is miraculous. Using His Church, His Children, to any degree is miraculous. We do nothing, worthwhile, except as God has used us like the clean, strong hand in a worn out glove or a puppeteer, masterfully playing our strings. "Christ IN you is the hope of GLORY" Col.1:27. "HE MUST INCREASE, BUT I MUST DECREASE" Jn.3:30.

Dear Lord, why can't we Christians, especially Pastors, Preachers, and Evangelists, by our words and actions,point people's eyes to You, not exalt ourselves and our little, feeble successes ? If God didn't, Himself, do what we take credit for, it is "sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal". 1Cor.13:1. For a God called Minister to boast and brag and cast the spotlight upon himself is nothing less than an act of heresy. One might expect that of a counterfeit, self righteous or fake preacher, but a true man of God is supposed to be humbly Christlike not, as Paul describes in 2Cor.11:13-15, how Satan himself and his ministers transform themselves into ministers of righteousness. We Christian Ministers have a higher calling than ourselves, our pride, selfish ambitions, hunger for recognition, power and pleasure.

Joseph in Egypt is a classic example of a man of God being promoted to power,riches, honor and recognition and remaining humble and faithful to God's calling and purpose for his life. When his brothers, who had sold him into slavery,came to Egypt seeking food for their families, in a seven year drought, Joseph, instead of punishing them and boasting how he had risen from a slave to great power, second only to Pharaoh, wept for them and gave God all the glory for his success. In Gen.45 Joseph forgave his brothers and said, "You didn't send me here but God sent me, for His own purposes and calling for my life." He took none of God's Glory or credit for what was accomplished through his life but praised and glorified God and blessed his brothers.

Isn't it enough reward that our Lord has blessed us with the holy privilege of service to Him and to others ? Why is there such a controlling power within this flesh to "take credit" for what God does and even what others have done? Are we so spiritually weak or blind or selfish that we greedily grasp every straw of praise ?
Let us take the admonition of Apostle Paul when he cautioned..."For we dare not compare ourselves with some that commend themselves." He also challenged us, "not to boast in another man's line of things made ready to your hand."2Cor.10:12. David agreed that "...the workers of iniquity boast themselves."

My next blog will be the article, "Don't Force Any Pedestals On Me", mentioned above with time revision for today.

Pass It ON. RB

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