Aug 7, 2010

My Dad And Mom Always "Finished The Job"

Common Sense Commentary:

My Dad was not a formally educated man but he knew worlds more about life and raising children than any psychologist, psychiatrist, or pseudo-expert I ever heard of. Dad had a cubic mile of morals but a few basic rules that seemed to cover the thousands of things the "experts" have written volumes about. One of Dad's rules for himself was, "Finish the job". In all my years, before Dad's death, I never knew him to leave a job unfinished or half done. Many times I've seen him work all night to finish a job or start again at daybreak to finish a job; or wade out into the mud after a heavy rain to finish a job. He never left a job in the middle unless a Caterpillar tractor fell on him... which it did ! Even then, the first day he got out of the hospital, he was out there finishing that job.

My Brother, Tommy, told me, recently, of a conversation he had with a man who had worked for our Dad in the plumbing business. This man told Tommy, "Your dad could work circles around everybody else and would work everybody around him to death by his example". It was well known that Dad would give any man a job even if the guy only wanted money not work. Dad always expected any job he was responsible for, to be done right and as quickly as possible without wasted time. He often had to spend a lot of time fixing or finishing what others were supposed to do, but he never fussed or cussed about it. You might not have the job tomorrow if you didn't work right today, but he would pay the sluggard off with a happy face and kindly say, "I wont need you tomorrow". Dad felt that if he didn't give a job his best and do it right that he would be stealing money from the people paying him. He expected his help to do the same for him. Dad believed God meant what He said...."Let the thief labour, working with his hands the thing which is good...."Ecc.4:28. King Solomon, who was himself a hard worker, also said, "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might." Ecc.9:10. The Hebrew word rendered "might" here is "koach" and implicates your power, strength, ability, and wealth. In other words, "do it with all thats in you". Do all you promise or agree to and do it right.

My mother was also a worker. She was always up early preparing breakfast, school lundches and Dad's lunch. All of our clothing was invariably clean and ready. there were many times during the Great Depression, when she didn't have much to work with but there was always beans and cornbread. Mom cooked her cornbread in a skillit.... and usually burned it but Dad never complained and my two sisters, brother and I never knew the difference. We thought it was supposed to be black on the bottom and liked it that way. I still compliment my wife when she occasionally burns it..... for me, of course. My mother practically ran every where she went. No one could keep up with her. I think her long legged father set that example. In latter life, she used a walker but would usually carry it out in front of her and still outwalked us all. Mom was always looking for bargains to "save Money". Dad told her one time, if she didn't stop saving so much money.... we were going to become rich without having to work.

It isn't nostalgia or exageration when I say, "There has never been a Dad and Mom who loved their children more, and showed it, than mine. We were a huggin and cheek kissin family.... and still are. Here's a poem I wrote for my Mother before she died.

I Love You Mom

For the years you loved me

Before I ever knew

For the tears you hid

When I did not love you

For the million miles your worked

For your family

For prayers you prayed

To God for me

For the wonderful home

We kids are from

For all you were and are

I love you, Mom. Rayburn

After 33 years of fulfilling all of his Heavenly Father's work in earth, Jesus completed the final task ...on the cross, God's work of Redemption. When He had given His all, he cried out with His last breath, "It is finished" and died for our sins. Everybody who ever amounted to anything worthwhile in life has had to learn that eternity changing, earth moving, lesson of life... Finish the job ! I would rather my children learn this one quality than most other human commendations or acclaim. If they learn this, they will succeed in many other areas of accomplishment. Our Saviour's last command to us was, "Go ye...." and God expects us to finish that job.

Pass It On. RB

1 comment:

  1. Papa, what a precious post! I have really just one clear memory of great grandad...he was in a hospital bed...I don't remember him being awake, but the soft strength in his face & enormous hands were enough for me to wish I had known him. I know that I have never heard a cross word about him...he's on my short list of people I'm excited to know in Heaven!
    I love our heritage! God is good!

    Sent from my iPhone
    Rosalyn Dion


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