Aug 5, 2010

Who Invented The Work Ethic ?

Common Sense Commentary:

The principle of the work ethic is as valid today as it was when God made muscles on Adam and "....put him into the garden of Eden to dress and to keep it". Gen.2:15. Every honest person since then, who has dug, chopped, planted, built, cooked and cleaned, knows that someone has to pay a price in energy and know-how for every mouthful of food anyone on earth swallows. Nobody survives in this world without someone paying for it in work, sweat, time or "money" ... which comes from work, sweat, time and know-how.

The first farmer was God. He planted the Garden Of Eden and all vegetables with a word,"Let".
The first farm family was Adam and Eve. Their work in Eden was no stress or strain until they disobeyed God and original sin was born. From that time forth the "ground was cursed with thorns and thistles" and the soil was weakened of its original strength. God then told them of their fate in Gen.3:19. "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground...." That original sin of disobedience and its consequences still affect those who work the soil and everyone else who must work to earn, to buy, to eat. Those who will not work for their needs will pay in some other way.....Diminished self image, self hate, lack of exercise, contempt from the self reliant and sympathy from (lifetime free stuff) Liberals.

Of course, there have always been those who thought their Big Brother, Uncle Sam, Parents, or God owed them a living. There have always been con-men, leeches,whiners, quitters, gigolos, pimps and other lazy sluggards. There always will be... but God, who put muscles on people,has some advice for those excuse making, couch potatoes. "Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest".Prov.6:6-8. The tiny ant has to work to survive. Even our poodle, Shadow, wants to hunt (work) for his food ... scattered in the lawn, buried, or hidden so he has to search for it.

Those who think "work" is a four letter word and something unnecessary or degrading and that it is smart to "let the dummies do it" are the real dumb ones. Workers are not dummies unless they let the lazy sluggards sponge off of them more than once. You do them no favors by paying their way. They grow to expect it. The truth is it is self destructively dumb to be "too smart to work" and truly "sinful" for the worker who allows it. "...This we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat...."2Thess.3:10. God tells us what to do about such drones: LET THEM STARVE. Yes, yes, some Nancy Palusie will whine, "But that's not Christian". God's Word said it, I just read it! The fact is, it is not Christian to rob these spongy people of their self respect, integrity, physical fitness, and purpose in life by pampering them with handouts. That destroys them. People who don't have to hold a job have entirely too much time to sit around , complain, get bored and get into trouble. God's Word says we should "Command busybodies to shut up, go to work, and eat their own bread". 2Thess.3:12.
Child labor laws may have been good for the minority who were abused, but it has hurt the majority of young people who are not allowed to work because of it. Are they better off not working than we old timers were when we were let out of school for the summer so we could help get the harvest in and had chores to do every day of the week ???? If someone says "yes", you are too young to know better or maybe you are already some one's "dummy" or maybe their mummy.

Someone once asked me, "Should I get a job and pay my bills or serve God?"...."Serve God by GETTING A JOB, I answered. But, Pastor Blair, you are supposed to be kind and encouraging to people not scold them. The kindest thing I can do for you is to tell you the truth and motivate you toward God's purpose for your life and that is never to let your debts go unpaid so you can "serve God". You can't be a thief and serve God. The good thing about hard times and a crash of the economy is, folks are forced to stop wasting their substance on foolishness, and lazy loafers have to go to work or go without. Our country has needed an economic collision with reality for a long time. Well, its here, so lets all take up the slack and make the best of it and our national character should improve. Christian, you just do your honest best and God will do the rest....but not until we have done our very best. Why should He ? He created us to work. God invented the work ethic. Work results in profit but talk results in poverty says Prov.14:23.

Pass It On. RB

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