Sep 8, 2010

Idleness Kills / Business Builds

Common Sense Commentary:

The word, "idle" derived from the old Anglo Saxon word "idel" meaning "useless". In today's terminology, "idle" may mean "inactive" but the effects of idleness are not. It is rather like an infectious disease progressing rapidly from inactivity to inertia to stagnation to vegetation to termination. "The desire of the slothful killeth him; for his hands refuse to labour." Pr.21:25.

The word "business" was originally more clearly defined in it's spelling and pronunciation. It was "busy ness". Anyone who ever built any kind of successful business poured tons of busyness
into it. Thus, my subject, "Idleness Kills but Business Builds".

Anyone who knows me well, knows that one of my favorite verses is Ecc.5:3. "Let thy words be few. For a dream cometh through a multitude of business; and a fool's voice is known by multitude of words." What does that mean ? Just what it says.

Daniel said, "I rose up, and did the king's business; and I was astonished at the vision."
Something needs to be said about spiritual idleness, spiritual business, and spiritual vision. It becomes obvious to the diligent observer that idleness kills a business or church and business builds them up. A lack of busy ness in the king's business results in a lack of "vision" for the king's business (King Jesus) and "Where there is no vision, the people,(church) perish." Pr.29:18

The Prophet Ezekiel declared, "Behold, this was the iniquity of Sodom, pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness ..." Everyone needs rest and play, so a limited time of physical and mental idleness is healthy; but "abundance of idleness" is not. Wise king Solomon warned, "An idle soul shall suffer."Pr.19:15. It may accurately be said that an idle mind is a "busy body".

The Apostle Paul expounded on idleness and laziness with this, "They learn to be idle wandering about from house to house; and not only idle but tattlers ... and busybodies, speaking
things which they ought not." These "busybodies" were simply backsliden Christians who had grown lazy through inactivity and were malfunctioning. "There are some which walk among you disorderly ... busybodies." 2Thess.3:11. Idle busybodies are still a problem in today's churches.
Even one idle word from a busybody's mouth can be the spark in the evergreen forest of God's church that spreads like a forest fire and consumes a church. That's why, "Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgement." Jesus Said it. Mt.12:36
Truly born again believers should follow the example of those faithful and patient Christian workers who occupy the front-line trenches on the battlefield of Good against Evil. "Be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises." Heb.6:12.
God's business must have the priority on our list of things to do. "Not slothful in business, fervent in spirit; serving the Lord." Rom.12:11.

Even Jesus, Himself, said, "I must be about my Father's business." Lk.2:49. His life and words
challenge us, concerning our Father's business , "Occupy til I come." Lk.19:13. The word, "occupy" is "pragmaeuomai" which means He wants us to do "practical, pragmatic" or REAL BUSINESS for God. The Great, Practical Commission, "Go ...teach all nations ..." involves
every true Christian. We are to be busy in this business of God. If we are not ... we weaken, fade, wilt and die spiritually. So, stay busy for God in His church and in all good business. It will bless you and all around you and add all kinds of good things to your life and health.

I know there are a lot of Christians who don't think they can do God's work effectively. I would
remind you that Apostle Paul confessed, "It is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good Pleasure."Phil.2:13. With Christ, all things are possible .... even using me. Hear these words of Jesus, "Blessed is that servant whom his Lord, when he cometh shall find ...doing"

Pass it on. RB


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