Sep 10, 2010

It Is War ! Islam Vs. America. Who Is Winning ?

Common Sense Commentary:

WHY IS IT .... that one, lone, redneck, Christian, preacher, with a fifty member church, can say he is going to burn a Muslim Koran and it raises a world-wide storm of protest from millions of Muslims, diplomats, generals, the Pope, kings and our President, while Muslims are burning people, persecuting Christians, killing, terrorizing and stoning people world-wide and these brave protesters say virtually nothing negative about it ?

WHY IS IT .... that the Liberal News Media, and a large number of nationally known American spokesmen for Islam continually insist that "most Muslims are peaceful and harmless" and are opposed to all this Muslim terrorism, but they won't say an audible word against it anywhere ?

WHY IS IT that Muslims can behead our soldiers , blow up hundreds of innocent civilians, including women and children, and crash airliners full of innocent citizens, while an American soldier can't put a pair of pink drawers on a Muslim prisoner's head without another world-wide storm of protests followed by years of repetitious reverberation from Liberals ?

WHY IS IT that if a Christian Group wanted to build a new church anywhere in uptown or downtown New York City, it would never be approved by the powers that be, much less get permits, to meet city ordinances on parking lots equal to expected attendance, but the Muslims are allowed to block city streets with hundreds of "worshipers" filling those streets , kneeling with their rears mooning the world with impunity ? And, all this is adjoining the destruction of Twin Towers where their fellow Muslims murdered 3000 innocent civilians on 9-11? Why is that ?

WHAT the devil has rotted the soul of this once great nation ? My question contains it's answer I guess. .....The devil has rotted our national soul.

Pass it on. RB


  1. Thank you for speaking out on this issue. I agree with you totally!

    Tom Show
    member of Temple Baptisit Church for many years

  2. I've been reading issues of "Voice of the Martyrs" and am appalled and saddened by the reports of mass killings of Christians by Muslims in China, Indonesia, Somalia and other countries. And no one cries out in protest. No one reports these atrocities to the public. God help us!


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