Sep 10, 2010

Is There Any Limit To The Ridiculous ????

Common Sense Commentary:

In today's Financial Times, World News page, a Headline reads, "President warns of burning of Korans". The first sentence reads, "Barack Obama, US president, has warned that a planned Koran-burning will be a 'recruitment bonanza' for al-qaeda, with the risk of increased violence in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and bombings in European and U.S. cities." Then, "Interpol issued a global alert to its 188 member countries warning that if the proposed burning went ahead, there is a strong likelihood that violent attacks on innocent people would follow.

This is so ridiculous as to defy imagination. If I hadn't seen so many other stupid, ignorant and ridiculous things in the last two years, I just wouldn't believe it. To think that one sentence from a totally unknown, unimpressive pastor of a very small church could be totally responsible for this world-wide, horrendous, venomous reaction of millions of Muslims and world leaders from the Pope to President Obama is beyond ridiculous into insanity. Bibles are burned often around the world but Christians do not burn and kill in reaction and neither would Jesus.

There has to be a much more serious, gigantic problem between Muslims and the world than an unknown preacher named Jones. If the world is so panicky fearful of Islam , Jones isn't the problem. If millions of Muslims rampage across the world killing and burning, Jones didn't do it , they did, and burning a Koran is neither the cause nor the cure for their sickness. If preacher Jones would just preach the Bible to them, instead of trying to draw a crowd with gimmics, he might just win a few Muslims to Jesus. But any destruction and murder those screaming Muslims do around the world is their fault not his and God will surely hold them responsible. I'm not sure He will punish Jones for burning a Koran.

Common Sense: If my neighbor, not some idiot in Iran, told me he was going to burn a Holy Bible in his front yard, I would not go bonkers and threaten his life and to burn the homes and kill some of our other neighbors, I would be more insane than him if I did. Ask anyone who knows me, I would simply tell him that God loves him even if he hates God and the Bible. I would try to lead him to Jesus so he could be free from his hatred and sin and get to heaven. To go crazy with hatred of my neighbor would say more about my fanaticism and lunacy than his less serious illness.

The same is true of this preacher vs the insane reaction. It reveals far more about the Muslims, the media, and the dishonesty of world leaders, than about this crowd seeking, poor preacher. Yes, it was a dumb idea but the object lesson in it is to be far more afraid of Muslims and the dumb people leading our nation than Rev. Whats his name.

Pass It On. RB

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