Sep 11, 2010

Does TEA PARTY Serve It HOT or cold ?

Common Sense Commentary:

In Rev.1:1,"The Revelation of Jesus Christ", God says, "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot : I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." Rev.3:15-16.The word, "spue" here means the same in Hebrew and Greek. The Heb. wd. is "qo" and the Gk. wd. is "emeo". Both are translated "spue" which means "vomit". God doesn't get sick of us, but His use of the word describes His feeling about people being "lukewarm" about Heaven and Hell, Jesus Christ, Sin and Satan, Good against Evil, and Right against Wrong. Who ever thought that "Right and Wrong" would become the biggest political issues in America the beautiful ? Well, its here !

In the above verses God is, of course, speaking to Christians, but it also applies to everyone who would defend right against wrong and good against evil. Are we, as Americans, fervent and active (HOT) in defending our U.S. Constitutional Freedoms and Bill of Rights or "lukewarm" (like it but won't vote or fight for it and support Constitutional candidates) ? Or, are we "cold" and don't care one way or the other and vote whoever will give us the most free stuff and promises ?


Our U.S. Constitution contains a "Bill of Rights" which guarantees our freedom of "Religion, Speech, and Press" but also "the right of the people peaceable to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances".

1. Tea Partiers are a healthy cross section of politically Conservative, U.S. Citizen, "People",
which means they don't like the donkey "CHANGE". They stand for our U.S. Constitution and all of it's RIGHTS, FREEDOMS, PROTECTIONS and COMMANDS as they are written. Tea Party rallies are composed of Democrats, Republicans, Independents and all races to varying degrees.

2. Tea Partiers "Peaceably Assemble" all over this great country, and the fact that the Liberal News Media hates to cover those mass meetings, proves that the Tea Party is so "Peaceable" that the press doesn't want America to see it for what it is, "peaceable regress
of grievances". When the press does cover a Tea Party rally (assembled), they video the most radical posters they can find, like, "CHANGE IT BACK". They also try to get shots without any Black, Hispanic or Asian faces. If there ever are any racist or hate signs, you can bet it will be a lunatic Liberal in conservative drag, an interloper, Trojan donkey, or idiot infiltrator playacting the part, not a Tea Party Conservative.

3. Tea Partiers are simply red blooded, U.S. Citizens exercising their First Amendment Right to "Petition the government for a redress of grievances". Redress means to "set right"
"to correct a fault or abuse", "to restore". (Webster's Dictionary). You all know the list of "grievances" the vast majority of Americans are feeling right now against President Obama's Administration of "verified and confessed" crooks and his Congressional majority of yes men.
So I won't go into them today. How did it ever come to this ruinous situation in America ?

We let this landslide of destructive "Change" slowly engulf us until one election year it became a tsunami. We were so frustrated with politics and politicians that a majority of our citizens reached desperately for a log to float on and it turned out to be an alligator. We had just let our freedoms slip away until, in our desperation, the majority voted against a man so angrily, they overlooked the flaws in the Trojan Donkey and let the enemy into our gates. This Trojan Donkey began as an "ACORN" which, planted in the fertile soil of the greedy, corrupt hearts of power hungry Liberals and the ignorant masses of "give me more free stuff" voters, that it slowly grew into a giant, poisonous weed. It first addicted the Democrat Party and then began to infect the Republican Party as well. I have totally given up on the Democrats and I'm close to giving up on the Republicans as well. They are becoming the Liberal, Sugar Daddy, Twins. One is just fatter and more addicted than the other but hang out on the same getto corner looking for a vote fix.

Even though the Tea Party is not a Political Party competing with the Democrats, Republic ans, or Independents, I have just officially joined them with contributions to several candidates the Tea Party endorses. They study the true background of all candidates and back the most Conservative Constitutionalists and that fits me so I'll wear it.

The Liberals invariably smear anyone who disagrees with them as "Racists, Homophobes, Extremists, Haters and War Criminals". The truth is, most Conservatives would vote for a black or homosexual who was a strong Constitutional Conservative before they would a white Liberal Socialist. The primary purpose of Conservatives is to "preserve" our freedoms and the Liberal Socialists are grinding them to dust. Register and Vote !!!

Pass It On. RB

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