Sep 12, 2010

The Candidate Every American Should Vote For ?

Common Sense Commentary:

The short answer is, the strongest U.S. Constitutionalist, who has lived the cleanest, most honest and productive life and has stood on the right, moral side of every major issue the politicians and citizens have debated. And this, not proven by what he says he is or believes, but by what he has proven by his past life. Most candidates "claim" to be Christians but their past lives seldom show it. "Faith without works is dead". Jm.2:26. Jesus asked, "Why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say ?" If a Candidate's history does not verify he is an honest, moral, clear minded and strict Constitutionalist Do Not Vote For Him/Her. He must swear to uphold the Constitution and not violate it. So, then what ? If you still cannot determine which candidates to vote for, you apply the second determining factor.

You can usually judge a candidate by the Political Party and voting blocks which support him.
You judge a Political Party and their supporters, not by their so called, "Party Platform" and the promises they make, which they seldom live up to, but how they voted on "critical issues" in the past. Also, by what special interests and voting blocks support that particular party. So what kinds of "issues" am I talking about ?

For years, rather than trying to determine which of my choices, in any decision, is best, I first determine which of them is worst, then second worst, third and so on. These I eliminate one at a time until I have a much simpler decision with fewer choices. When I've narrowed the field to two, and still can't decide, I resort to the Col.3:15 method . "Let the peace of God rule in your hearts." The Gk. wd. "rule" here is "umpire" in its meaning. So, "Let the peace of God umpire" your decisions and choices. Big decision to make ? First, search God's Word for answers, second, ask advice from those you respect the most, third, pray fervently for an answer, fourth, "Let the peace of God umpire your decision". Do what God's Spirit gives you peace about.

My guideline for the above process of elimination, is this : If the Party members, that nominated the candidate, as their best person for the office, as chosen in the Primaries, are my kind of people, I will vote with them. If the people who chose this certain candidate are not my kind of people ..... neither is their candidate. So how do I determine which Political Party is closer to what I believe is right, and therefore best for our country and most pleasing to God? I know God does have a preference and therefore a will in all matters of importance. Again, I use a process of elimination. I look at all the issues and differences in how each Party has voted on those type issues in the past, and therefore what their character content is, to see which party voted as I would have voted. The most common issues and factors I consider are like these:

1. Which Party appears to have the most Bible-Believing, True Christians in it ? .......

2. Which Party is strongest in preserving and enforcing every point of our U.S. Constitution ?

3. Which Party strongly insists on law and order and will fight crime and corruption in all
branches of government and prosecute the guilty and remove weak and quisling judges ?

4. Which Party inserts the least "pork" into bills which have nothing to do with those politicians' pet projects ? It just helps them get votes back home to build a million dollar dam on a two dollar creek.

5. Which Party, if any, is more frugal and careful with the TAX PAYER'S money ? Isaid, Tax Payers not Receivers.

6. Which Party is strongest on protecting our borders against ILLEGAL entry and drugs ?

7. Which Party is more determined to maintain a strong military to respond to attacks such as
Pearl Harbor and the 9-11 Twin Towers Fanatical Muslim attack ???

8. Which Party is most strongly opposed to the Abortion industry in the killing of the innocent and judges who spare the guilty : murderers, rapists and terrorists ? The Liberals are there with posters to protect their right to abort innocent babies and to spare the guilty murders. Ironic !

9. Which Party is strongest against legalizing men marrying men and women marrying women ? Just how does that work anyway ?

10. Which Party is fighting hardest to keep taxes from being increased ?

11. Which Party is strongest in fighting the import, sale and use of illegal drugs which is responsible for most of the crime in our country ?

12. Which Party is supported by most prosecuting attorneys and least by defence attorneys ?

13. Which Party, according to polls, receives the least support from the Socialist Party, National News Media, Washington D.C. and professional bureaucrats, Hollywood, The Abortion Industry and Homosexuals ? Now, which party is that ? It is not the other one which violates all 13 test question and 13 is bad luck for them this year if you believe in luck ... and I don't. Votes count.
I will vote with the Tea Party for candidates and political party which fits the description .... Whether Democrat, Republican, or Independent. I'll bet a big bagamoney (25 pennies) you can't guess which candidates and party I will probably vote for. You may be wrong. I'm an independent type guy. I may switch horses and go the third route if a major party I know does not move RIGHT and keep moving toward our Constitution away from Liberalism's folly.

Pass It On. RB

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