Sep 13, 2010

Entare RUFF Memership Joins The Tea Party

Common Sense Commentary: In "Redneck", Common Sense Commentary is "Horse Sense Talk"
Well, I waked up other mornin an red the paper an looked at TV jus to make sure sure nuff, it sceered me to death. I been workin 3 jobs so long, to pay my taxes, I aint had time to cetch up
on the news since that guy Bush wuz president .... couple years ago. I stayed home sick an tared the day I waked up, an called all my redneck buds an they sceered me ebum worst. They tol me bout some folks wuz havin a tea party an wanted me to go. Well, I drank coffee. My wife, Molly, is more fancy then me an dranks tea . Anyways I went, an you know, that tea was real good an I liked them folks real good too an whut they wuz for an ageinst. Molly liked um to. So I had an ideal an when we got home to the kids, Molly an me we had a meetin an voted to start sumpum. An hear it is ....

I moved and Molly second it that us REDNECKS unite for freedom. An we'll call it RUFF which stans for that, R ednecks - U nited - F or - F reedom. That wuz Mollys ideal. We, RUFF's will join up with that Tea Party thang and be there strong right wings. I say "wings" cause them courageous, red blooded, all American , Bill of Rights folks is all so "Right" they dont ebum have no left wing. They are the cream risin to the top. They are for America and Americans, not like them "One World United For Free Stuff And Liberal Equal Sharin" nuts. I thank they call it WUFF SALES.They ought to call it WAR, for "World Against Rednecks", cause its us they are taxin to death.

Them Tea People believes other nations caused there own problums not us. An they stand up for our Constitution as it is, not with a dump truck load of nasty Liberal CHANGES like Liberals is always tryin to do or just tryin to make us rednecks thank it dont amount to nothin noways. They thank we are dumb but it was rednecks won the west cept for a few robbers who wouldnt work for their own selves but spunged off those rednecks who worked dawn to dust. Then them spungers started runnin for politics office an robbed us thata way.

Tea People realy believe in the first Amenment RIGHT to own our guns for protectin against the lower rungs of that other party, many of who are in the jails an prisons screaming for more free stuff, full time, and stabbin each other in between. That First Amenment says this, that all of us can "keep and bear" our guns. Read it fer yoursef. That means "Keep and Carry".

Oh yeah, I forgot, that Tea Party believes in the same thangs them patriots who rote out our U.S of A. Constitution an our forefathers and foremommas believed in. An I know fer a fact most of you do too cause we go to church together. So if you an the Missiz are as mad an skeered as me and my Molly is, lets meet at the next Tea Party they throw and let um kno we RUFF's are acommin in and them da..... uh Liberals is agoin out. Me and Molly is sick and tared of payin taxes so they can give it to them folks who wont work but has plenty money for cigs, beer, tv, new cars, free rent, shows, drugs an layin up on there fat ... uh couches or talkin trash on the street corners all day when they aint robbin some workin rednecks house.

My friens dont realy call me Redneck but them Liberals do. I didnt like it at first but like the preacher said, it was them heathen Pharisees first called us "Christians" cause we foller Christ.

Well, I gotta stop. Molly an me is goin to our church rescue mission to hep serve supper an then to our church childrens home with some sacks of grocers and cloths an then I gotta fix a widder womans leaky roof. See you at the Tea Party nex week.

When I spell checked this, it sceered me agin. It had 73 misspell wurds. Some of em may be accident .... but with Spell Check, you never will know.

Pass It On. RB

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