Sep 19, 2010

Please Don't Die .... Before You Are Dead

Common Sense Commentary: Jesus came with a holy purpose and gift for each of us. "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10.

I counseled a teenager one day who was "old" in his brain, heart and attitude. He had lost interest and given up on life and was ready to expire .... or retire to a nursing home .... in his mind. I saw not a glimmer of hope or happiness. I talked to a very old, but young , lady later that day who was old in body but young at heart in her mental attitude. Her name was Orlena Collins. Orlena was still beautiful at nearly eighty six years young when she went in for very serious surgery and came out with God's grace shining in her face looking sixty. This sweet spirited woman anticipated every new day, accepted difficulty with genteel grace and greeted life with charm and kindness. One of my all time favorite people.

Abraham is never mentioned in the Bible until he was seventy five years of age ... when God called him to the mission field from Haran to the land of Canaan. Gen.12:5. At that time, he and Sarai, his wife, had no children but God promised faithful Abram and Sarai a son. God did not fulfill that promise until Abraham was a hundred and Sarai was ninety years old ... just to show them God is able. It was such a miracle, even then, that everyone laughed. Gen.17:17 & 21:5-6.

In Research Institute of America's special report on Executive Aging, their study concluded, "Extraordinary new health discoveries show that many executives' notions about aging ,and slowing down, are totally groundless; an executive's real 'prime' ... in terms of job performance, energy level, overall 'aliveness' ... actually can and should begin around fifty five." Of course, that is most often not the case with many people, but, the article says , "It should be" with the right lifestyle and attitude.

According to the National Tax Administration of Japan, the highest paid man in Japan, a number of years ago, was, at that time, eighty five year old Real Estate salesman, Manji Hasegarva who earned in the high millions per year. He was upbeat, active, content and very successful in his profession.

My precious, widowed Aunt Millie always greeted everyone with a smile. She did her own cooking, fixing and house cleaning in the home she had lived in for sixty five years. She lived there, in Grand Prairie, TX. , until her accidental death at ninety seven on Jan.2, of this year.

Auntie had a tremendous sense of humor and memory. Her steps were about six inches long but she was always ready to go ... almost anywhere, anytime. Everyone loved her and she returned the feeling.

Every day, the Apostle said, we can be "content in whatsoever state we are in", grateful for all God has given us, thankful and loving to family and friends, and stay actively interested, young at heart, and play hide and seek with old age. But please don't die before you are dead. I would't trade my eighty years for twenty one .... not on your life. My past life was tremendous, but my future, at eighty, is far and away better. Look up ! God is good !

Pass It On. RB

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this uplifting piece. I once knew a man who said that the mistake "old people" make is that they "sit" on the porch, after retirement, and are dead in six months. While this is not factual, it is a good thought for how we live once we hang up our work spurs.

    In his time, not ours.

    Tom Show


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