Sep 18, 2010

Could It Be... All About Jews, Christ, Muslims ???

Common Sense Commentary: To shorten and simplify the reading, this time, I won't reference a lot of verses. All you Christians have read and heard them taught many times.

COULD IT BE ... that God chose the two sons of Abraham to father and found two nations, like two parallel rivers running from Abraham, in Genesis, through the Revelation and throughout all history and prophecy, one clear and one cloudy ?

COULD IT ALSO BE .... that, in her old age, Sarah lost faith in the birthing of God's promised son, so she encouraged Abraham to take her maid servant, Hagar, to "help God out" fulfilling His promise ? If so, Abraham lost faith too .... or else, he just really liked her suggestion. So he took the young Hagar and she had a son whom God named Ishmael, and who would become the founding father of all the Arab nations. Rom.9:7 "Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children (of Abraham): but, in Isaac shall thy seed be called." . Abraham and Sarah's sin, of doubting God's Word, would cost them and the world endless complications and suffering. Yes, we humans often fail God but He never fails us. He does what He promises .... so after they gave up on God, Sarah conceived and gave birth to Isaac, who would be the founder and father of all the millions of Jews and God gave them the Holy Land and they were a nation.

SO COULD IT BE .... that Isaac's millions of Jewish descendants (Israel) flowed like a river out from Abraham's right hand into the future and Ishmael's billions of Arab/Muslim descendants flowed like a parallel river from Abraham's left hand ? God chose the right river of Jews, Abraham's promised, legitimate son's descendants, from which to raise up His prophets, apostles, and Messiah/Christ, and through whom He gave the Law, prophecies and Holy Bible to "the Jews first and also to the Gentiles", that we might all become the children of God through faith in Messiah/Christ.

THEREFORE COULD IT ALSO BE .... that Abraham's illegitimate, first son, of Sarah's doubt, Ishmael, grew up to be a ruthless warrior tribe, "He will be a wild man; and his hand against every man" (Gen.16:12) that, he, Ishmael had a place in God's plan, prophecy and history as well as Isaac ? Positive and Negative, Light and Darkness, Perpetual Conflict.
And, what place in prophecy, for this sun darkened, warring, Arab/Muslim tribe ? Ishmael, like Isaac, was a Semite (Shem son of Noah) through Abraham. Arabs and Jews of today are cousins but not kissing cousins by any means, but enemies. The major reasons seem to be over the "promised land", which God gave Israel in perpetuity, and maybe, also with roots in the jealously of Ishmael, and his mother Hagar, that he was not the son of promise, being firstborn.

COULD IT BE .... that Muslims have a place in prophecy and history, second only to the natural, Jewish Nation and the "spiritual" children of Abraham, the Christians ? "They which are of FAITH" , the same are the children of Abraham." So then they which be of FAITH are blessed with faithful Abraham .... For ye are all the children of God by FAITH in Christ (Messiah) Jesus " Gal.3:7 &9 & 26. To see Paul's explanation of a "wild olive branch being grafted into the good olive tree", Gentiles into Israel's tree where some of them had been broken off, see Rom.11:13-24.

IS IT POSSIBLE .... that Islam is the "beast" upon which the Antichrist rides to power in league with the "great harlot church" ? There has never been, in human history, an enemy of freedom and Christianity so rich (oil), religiously political, fanatical, and determined to take over all nations from the inside, with terrorism , fear and money. Like the Jews, the Muslims are in every nation and seldom assimilate or change customs or religion. Mark these words .... The Muslims are spirit driven by a politically oriented religion that dominates every nation where they are the majority. In those nations, Islam IS the government and the law (Sharia). "This is the spirit of Antichrist". 1Jn.4:3. Of course, Muslims can be converted to Christ and we should remember that, and witness to them. But they believe their messiah, Maddie, will convert Jesus to be a Muslim and "teach Him to pray" they say.

I think we have an approaching, marital engagement here between the apostate "harlot" religious churches, many pseudo-christian included, the "spirit of Antichrist", and "false prophet", with Islam possibly being the "beast" of the Revelation. There will never be a more opportune moment in history for it to happen, it seems. The Muslim religion of Islam is a mirror image, perverted counterfeit of Christianity. Both have a holy book (Bible, Quran)to live by, a coming messiah (Christ & Maddie), both supposedly believe in Noah, Isaac, Jacob and Christ , tithing, a hell and a heaven. Jesus was caught up into the heavens at His ascension from Jerusalem and Mohammad was caught up into heaven on a mule from Jerusalem ... in 610 A.D., they say. Muslims built a Mosque on the exact spot where God's Holy Temple stood on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem where Mohammad and donkey went up, supposedly. Strange ! This illegitimate, Ishmaelite, counterfeit didn't begin until 610 A.D. (after Christ) on the "Christian" Calendar which is the first year on the Muslim Calendar. The counterfeit copying goes on and on trying to match what God did through the real and legitimate son of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, from which came Jesus and Christianity. Strange indeed. An Arab guide told me, in Jerusalem, "Mohammad came to do what Jesus failed to do". "What was that", I asked. "Build a world kingdom", he answered. That is also what Judas had thought, but Jesus denied that. "My kingdom is not of this world" He said, in Jn.18:36.

Pass It On. RB

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