Sep 16, 2010

Why Isn't The Holocaust In Bible Prophecy?

Common Sense Commentary: ...Webster defines "holocaust" as follows: "From Greek word 'holokauston', from holos (whole) plus kaustos (burnt). A sacrificial offering, the whole of which is consumed by fire." How descriptive of Hitler's burning of Europe's Jews in the ovens of death camps.

A reader asked me this question, " Why isn't the holocaust of the Jews in prophecy?" Like many other words such as "Rapture" and "Trinity" are not in the Bible, but what they mean is. "We ...shall be caught up into the clouds to meet the Lord in the air ...."1Th.4:17 and "....the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." 1Jn.5:7. In Jn.1 Jesus is called the "Word". The word "holocaust" is not in prophecy but that doesn't mean there is no prophecy which alludes to it as the above Scriptures do to Rapture and Trinity.

Neither of the World Wars, I or II, nor any of the other wars of history are mentioned by name in prophecy ....but they all happened. However, prophecy does clearly reveal that, in the last days, there shall be, "wars and rumours of wars" and that has been abundantly fulfilled. See Mt.24:6. Neither have the moon landing, nuclear bomb, or America been mentioned by name in prophecy, but they did happen. I've never seen a nuclear bomb or Antarctica but I believe in them. Nor have I ever seen Jesus or God, with my eyes. I think I can explain why America isn't mentioned but that is for another time.

Did the holocaust really happen ? I didn't personally witness it but thousands of Gentile soldiers did, including General Eisenhower. Google Eisenhower Concentration Camps. I have seen the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem and thousands of pictures of the starved and dying Jews in those Camps. I believe it like I believe in the moon landing and the bomb carnage of Hiroshima.
Actually the Communists murdered twice as many, of their own, as the Nazi's did of Jews, but that isn't prophesied, specifically, either.

Let us not overlook the fact that the Jews did not drive the nails that crucified Jesus . They shouted, "Crucify Him", but it was Gentile, Roman soldiers who drove the Roman nails, with a Roman hammer into the Roman cross who did that, not Jews. Crucifixion was not a Jewish method of execution but was common with the Romans. And even so, it was not they alone, but all of our sins, which were put upon Jesus, which killed Him. "For he (God) hath made him (Jesus) to be sin for us, (him) who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. 2Cor.5:21.

Since Abraham, father of the Jews, God has made promises and prophecies that Israel and Judah had been set apart from all other nations, as "chosen" of God, to produce His Law and Commandments, Tabernacle/Temple and contents, each containing meaning and messages like a Bible of object lessons, before they had the "written" Word of God. Also, God chose the Jews to produce His prophets, to put His message and prophecies into written form (Old Testament). The last O.T. prophet and first N.T. preacher was John The Baptist, cousin to Jesus and slightly older. Also, and most importantly, God chose a Jewish Virgin to fulfill all those O.T. prophecies of the Messiah/Christ, by giving birth to Jesus Christ. The O.T. Hebrew word Messiah is exactly the same as the N.T. Greek word Christ. Jesus had a Jewish body, from Mary, but not a Jewish Spirit. His Spirit was the Holy Spirit of God.

Ironically, the Jewish nation, though chosen to be the recipients of God's most holy gifts and privileges, like a spoiled rich kid, almost pampered and protected by his Father the King, became like the Prodigal Son, rebelling and going his own way ... all the way down to the pig pen. But remember, the story of the Prodigal ends with his repentance, return to the Father, and a joyous celebration. "They (Jews) shall look on him whom they pierced". John 19:37 quoting Zek.12:9-10, and referring to Jesus and the Prodigal Jews. I believe the Prodigal son was a type of the Prodigal Jews.

I also believe that Judas, a Jew, "chosen" by our Lord to be treasurer of His Apostles, rejected his Messiah as did most of the Jews, and is a limited type of their rejection of their Messiah/Christ. The O.T. is filled with a continuous repetition of the "prodigal" Jews going astray, worshiping material things such as idols, and in outright rebellion to Jehovah God and His Jewish prophets. Each time God would remove His protective hedge and let their enemies run rough shod over them, capturing and abusing them until they cried out to God for mercy and deliverance again and again. But, even after God had delivered them time after time, they would rebel again until He tired of their shallow, fleeting repentances.

As to prophecy referring to the Jewish holocaust, there are none which use specific dates or names like Auswitch or Hitler, but I do think a good number of prophecies point to it as a judgement for their many rejections of their Messiah/Christ and turning from God. When God's people turn from God, that is worse than when heathen do so. The Jews have prophecy and God's Word as a guide. There is no excuse for them. But, why do I say "Judgement"? I use it only because God is real and Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent. He knows all, is all present and all powerful. Being absolutely aware of and able to stop all injustices, God could have stopped the sin and rebellions of the Jews and the murder and wicked violence of the Stalins and Hitlers .... but He didn't. Why ? God has His own sovereign will, purposes and reasons. God didn't stop the holocaust and therefore "permitted" it to happen. Otherwise, if He simply "couldn't" stop it, His power is limited and Hitler was more powerful than God. That is utterly ridiculous. 1Jn.4:4"Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world." Why then did God "let" it happen ? I don't know, but hold the holocaust up beside those times in the O.T. when God let the enemies of Israel decimate them in the thousands or when He told Israel to annihilate "their" wicked enemies, men, women, children and animals. The holocaust happened much more recently and we, in my lifetime, have seen its horrors against the Jews, "God's chosen people" ? Yes, but Christians are identified in the New Testament as Spiritual Jews .... "They which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham." Gal.3:7 . Read the entirety of Gal.3 and you will see.

God often showed the Jews mercy in the midst of judgment. Immediately after the millions of Nazi atrocities against the Jews, God miraculously opened an impossible door of restoration of a homeland for Israel. It was a single moment spliced into history that was neither possible prior to that moment nor since that moment on May 14,1948; and it was right in the heart of the Arab world, surrounded by a billion Muslims who hate Jews. Israel is about the size of Vermont in the midst of Muslim countries equal to the size of the United States, like the eye of a bear in size.

Now, let me encourage you to read one of many prophecies which I believe include the Holocaust.Before you read Jeremiah 2:1-37, highlight v.4-5, v.9,11,13, v.19-20, v.22-24, and v.26-28. Note especially v.4, 9, 13,19,20 and v.24b "All they that seek her will not weary themselves; in her month (in her appointed time) they shall find her."

Pray for Israel ! And pass this along. RB

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