Sep 14, 2010

Where Will Antichrist's Primary Power Lie ?

Common Sense Commentary:

For fifty years I, and hundreds of other pastors and evangelists, have studied and preached on Bible prophecy. The reason, of course, is that prophecy occupies a large part of both Old and New Testaments and Bible Preachers are compelled to deal with all of God's Word to us.

One of those prophecies has been preached by Bible believing preachers for hundreds of years. It is one of the most obvious, clear, already fulfilled prophecies God gave us. It is the prophecies in which He revealed that the Children of Israel, who had been persecuted so intensely that they had been scattered throughout the world, for centuries, would return to their ancestral home and again become a unified nation. I heard that preached when I was a teenager during WWII. It was fulfilled the year I joined the Marine Corps in 1948. The nation of Israel stands, like a marble monument to the clouds, as a testimony to the world, that God's Word is true and accurate.

Other prophecies describe a One World Government. Both of these prophecies were scoffed at, for centuries, as long as The Bible has been preached. I have preached it since my very first sermon in a little country church in East Texas in 1955. Scoffers have ranged from Liberal "Men of the Cloth" clergy to college professors. They scoffed, "There was no possible way all nations of the world would do that". Even I could not see how such a thing would become possible . But I knew God had performed the miracle that created the New Nation of Israel right in the middle of millions of Muslims who hated Jews. I thought, since He could do that, He could also remove the impossible barriers which would prevent a One World Government, in the end times, when the Antichrist will come to power in that World Government. The scoffers were wrong about Israel and they were and are wrong about a One World Government. But how is that possible ? The answer is, what politicians, religions, armies, peace or war could not do..... central bankers will do, by simply controlling the currencies of the nations. That is why the U.S. dollar will soon no longer be the world reserve currency, as it has been since WWII, and a World currency, in some form, will become a reality.

A billionaire Banker once said, "Let me control a nation's currency and you can control everything else, but I will control that government and those people. He didn't say "money", he said "currency" which, in reality, is just two cents worth of paper and ink. No currency is now backed by either silver or gold or anything else. That means the Central Banks, which are privately owned, even though their signs say, "Federal", they are no more federal that Federal Express, can print new currency until a dollar will only buy a glass of water.

I recently sent all of my mailing list an article concerning the Central Bank of Central Banks in Basil named, "The Bank of International Settlements". During WWII Nazi Germany laundered stolen billions through that bank. Its power to regulate now reaches banks around the whole world. It is, in fact, a One World Bank. The article I sent you had a picture of the skyscraper the world bankers built for it, which is round and tiered upward similar to the Tower of Babel. Because of its ominous appearance, the locals named it the "Tower Of Basel" and it is now called that by many Europeans.

Here is the introductory sentence in last week's British "Financial Times" article entitled "Basel III Threat To Corporate Credit". "Companies could face sharply higher costs for short-term borrowing under the banking reform package being finalised by global regulators meeting this weekend in Basel". That was two days ago. The scoffers have overlooked the power of money(currency). You want a billion dollars to buy off opponents or enlist support, just turn on the presses. Billions, Trillions unlimited. It just destroys the buying power of the people's dollars.

Pass It On. RB

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